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ForumsCog Forum → Lag
2004-11-02, 12:49 PM #1
What combinations of verbs would lag a victim down?
2004-11-02, 1:27 PM #2
What do you understand under the term "lag"? Connection problems (bad response time, packet loss...) or framerate problems (game seems like a slideshow) or something else?
"Häb Pfrässe, süsch chlepfts!" - The coolest language in the world (besides Cherokee)
2004-11-02, 1:43 PM #3
Basically making the victim slow down, making it appear to the victim as if he was lagging up(Internet Connection, Framerate)
2004-11-03, 4:33 AM #4
Umm, anything that would add network lag to your victim, would lag everyone else up. And for framerate lag, you'd have to chew up the video card's resources, IE, have lots of polygons on screen at one time. More importantly, why in the world would you wish to do this?
-Hell Raiser
2004-11-03, 5:27 AM #5
Yeah I know, it sounds weird but I want it as a power the player could use.... Giving the player an advantage and giving the victim the effect of lag...Force Lag? Lol.
2004-11-03, 11:14 AM #6
The closest effect I could think of is something like...

RandPos = VectorScale(RandVec(), 5);
SetThingFlags(player, 0x10); //make player invisible
SetThingCollideSize(player, 0); //make them unhittable do to "lag"
CreateThingAtPos(LoadTemplate("+Walkplayer"), GetThingSector(player), VectorCross(RandPos, GetThingPos(player)), GetThingLVec(player));

If you did this inside of a pulse, used an if to generate some sort of randomness, and used a timer to delete the walkplayer and return the players status to visible/collidable, then it would simulate lag to some effect.
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2004-11-03, 3:26 PM #7
Thank you very much. I will try and implement this and post the result.

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