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ForumsCog Forum → GetThingMoveDirection?
2004-11-05, 6:34 AM #1
I'm wondering... Is there some way to get the direction AND speed in which a thing is moving in? The thing is that I have this ball and depending on which way you kick it, it will roll in that direction, using SetThingRotVel();.
Anyone know how I should do this?

Edward's Cognative Hazards
2004-11-05, 6:50 AM #2
GetThingMoveSize(victim); and GetThingVel(victim); maybe?

Something like VectorZ(v_pos) >= x && VectorZ(my_pos) or VectorY, something like that might work.

Just an idea.

2004-11-05, 4:15 PM #3
1) Grab the object's position
2) Wait ~0.1 seconds
3) Grab it again
4) Do some crazy vector math
5) Your direction!

Id give you the formula, but vector math was never my string point... :(
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2004-11-05, 11:36 PM #4
GetThingVel(); gets the speed (VectorLen(GTV())) and direction. How you're going to apply that in P Y R format for the ball to roll, I have no idea. :(

Maybe this guy knows?
-Hell Raiser

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