I recently found a thread pointing to some aged JK "hacking" sites that had decent collections of powerful (but messy and potentially crashy) JK hacks. Well, I went through most of them and tried to come up with counters for most of the major hacks and just wanted to throw up a post with my "anti-everything" cog. Note that this doesn't even get close to passing checksum, and was just an exercise in exploring ways to counteract the evil triad of JK hacks (fade, destroy and jail) to get myself back into the swing of cogging.
Anyway, it's not perfect; if you get chain faded for like 30 seconds you'll eventually get 1 suicide count, and it's near impossible to defeat jail, but I think I conquered destroy and most common annoyances.
So yeah, peruse and use it. The anti-fade code makes something sorta funny happen when you fall in a fade-to-black pit! =D
Anyway, it's not perfect; if you get chain faded for like 30 seconds you'll eventually get 1 suicide count, and it's near impossible to defeat jail, but I think I conquered destroy and most common annoyances.
# Jedi Knight Cog Script # # ITEM_KEYBLUE.COG # # INVENTORY script - Anti-Everything # Bin 47 # # [QM] # # (C) 1997 LucasArts Entertainment Co. All Rights Reserved symbols sound keysound=BactaUse01.WAV local thing player=-1 local thing dummy=-1 local cog kyleCog local template antifade=+punchcloud local vector antitrip local model antimorph=ky.3do local int antiforce=-1 local message startup message activated message deactivated message pulse message timer message skill message damaged message removed end # ======================================================================================== code startup: player = GetLocalPlayerThing(); // Initialize Force Power Filter kyleCog = GetThingClassCog(player); // Initialize Anti-Trip antitrip = VectorSet(0, 0, 0); // Initialize Anti-Morph Sleep(1); antimorph = GetThingModel(player); SetInv(player, 47, 1); SetInvAvailable(player, 47, 1); Return; # ........................................................................................ activated: player = GetSourceRef(); PlaySoundLocal(keysound, 1.0, 0.0, 0); SetPulse(0.01); Return; # ........................................................................................ deactivated: SetActorFlags(player, 0x400000); Return; # ........................................................................................ pulse: // Initialize Invulnerability and Anti-Destroy SetThingClassCog(player, GetSelfCog()); SetThingCaptureCog(player, kyleCog); // Anti-Fade if(GetActorFlags(player) & 0x400000) { ClearActorFlags(player, 0x400000); ClearThingFlags(player, 0x200); dummy = FireProjectile(player, antifade, -1, -1, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', 0, 0x0, 0, 0); SetThingType(player, 2); TeleportThing(player, dummy); KillTimerEx(1); SetTimerEx(1, 1, 0, 0); // flex_delay, ID, param0, param1 CycleCamera(); CycleCamera(); } // Flag Maintenance (Anti-Null, Anti-Freeze, Anti-Delete) if((GetThingType(player) != 10) && (GetThingType(player) != 2)) SetThingType(player, 10); ClearTypeFlags(player, 0xA40800); SetTypeFlags(player, 0x1); ClearThingFlags(player, 0x80002); SetThingFlags(player, 0x20000401); ClearPhysicsFlags(player, 0x4020B0); SetPhysicsFlags(player, 0x4a4e); // Anti-Morph if(GetThingModel(player) != antimorph) SetThingModel(player, antimorph); // Timer Check if(GetLifeLeft(player) != 0) SetLifeLeft(player, 0); // Attachments (Weak Anti-Jail) if(GetThingAttachFlags(player) & 0x4) DetachThing(player); if(GetThingAttachFlags(player) & 0x8) DetachThing(player); // Anti-Sink if(GetCollideType(player) != 1) SetCollideType(player, 1); if(GetThingCollideSize(player) != 0.065) SetThingCollideSize(player, 0.065); if(GetThingMoveSize(player) != 0.065) SetThingMoveSize(player, 0.065); if(GetThingMass(player) != 150) SetThingMass(player, 150); // Anti-Trip if(!(VectorDist(antitrip, VectorSet(0, 0, 0)) == 0)) { // if(VectorDist(GetThingLVec(player), antitrip) > 0.85) SetThingLook(player, antitrip); if(VectorZ(GetThingLVec(player)) >= 0.0001) SetThingLook(player, VectorSet(VectorX(antitrip), VectorY(antitrip), 0)); if(VectorZ(GetThingLVec(player)) <= -0.0001) SetThingLook(player, VectorSet(VectorX(antitrip), VectorY(antitrip), 0)); } antitrip = GetThingLVec(player); // Anti-Slam if(VectorLen(GetThingThrust(player)) > 5) SetThingThrust(player, VectorScale(VectorNorm(GetThingThrust(player)), 5)); if(VectorLen(GetThingVel(player)) > 5) SetThingVel(player, VectorScale(VectorNorm(GetThingVel(player)), 5)); // Anti-Spin SetThingRotVel(player, VectorSet(0, 0, 0)); Return; # ........................................................................................ timer: DestroyThing(player); SetThingType(player, 10); Return; # ........................................................................................ skill: // Force Power Filter if(GetSenderRef() == GetLocalPlayerThing()) { if((GetParam(0) == 24) && (GetCurWeapon(player) >= 10)) { ReturnEx(0); Return; } if(GetParam(0) == 27) { ReturnEx(0); Return; } SetThingClassCog(player, kyleCog); antiforce = -1; antiforce = SkillTarget(player, GetSourceRef(), GetParam(0), GetParam(1)); SetThingClassCog(player, GetSelfCog()); ReturnEx(antiforce); } Return; # ........................................................................................ damaged: // Invulnerability ReturnEx(0); Return; # ........................................................................................ removed: // Anti-Destroy ClearThingFlags(GetSenderRef(), 0x2); Return; end
So yeah, peruse and use it. The anti-fade code makes something sorta funny happen when you fall in a fade-to-black pit! =D