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ForumsCog Forum → "screenshot taken"
"screenshot taken"
2004-11-28, 6:57 AM #1
Hi all,

i have another strange question :-)

How to make screenshot, not by key bind but using cog. ?
Is this possible ?

-= Jedi Knight I forever =-
2004-11-28, 8:14 AM #2
MotS has a jkScreenShot() function. Not sure about standard JK, though. Probably not.
"Häb Pfrässe, süsch chlepfts!" - The coolest language in the world (besides Cherokee)
2004-11-28, 11:00 AM #3
Nope, simply not possible. JK doesn't have any ability to interact with anything outside of itself, and thus, cannot save outside files other than save files, and character profiles.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ

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