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ForumsCog Forum → Tool Box
Tool Box
2004-11-29, 8:53 PM #1
Releasing what might be the last version of my Tool Box hack/mod. The COGs are perfect by my standards. If I ever stop sucking at 3D modeling, I may do a rerelease with new player models and a couple revamped weapons.

The first download is the whole thing. The second is the same as the first but without the customized 3do's. The Saber Bot download is an automated opponent that's decent for running a JK dedicated server (it needs it's own computer to run on, it's not a full fledged computer opponent).

I threw up a couple screenshots, but they don't show much, I really need to make a proper website for it, as I'm really quite proud of my work.

Keep in mind this "mod" passes checksum, so you can try it against the default weapons to check out how it balances against them. I feel I did a pretty good job, against a friend of similar JK skill, we break about even on kills unless we go all out with the cheap moves (him with rapid lightning/chain grip/speed, me with rapid push/chaining prisons, etc.).

The models aren't great, but they don't completely suck either, and most of them weren't made by me (proper credits in the toolbox.txt file). If any models seem really lame, they were likely ones I tried to make.


P.S. - Why did I post this here rather than the showcase forum or submit it to the main site? Simple: the cogging is the important part, and this is meant to be a learning resource, and I'm not sure the main site would even accept a "hack" submission.
2004-11-29, 9:44 PM #2
checking it out now.
Also, massassi might accept this as an editing resource rather than a mod.
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2004-11-30, 9:35 AM #3
Nice! Though, there was one thing I didn't like. The fact that there was an actuall firewait between modes. I liked punching all crazy when I hit both first and second fire. Oh well... Can't win them all...
Like the mod very much!

Edward's Cognative Hazards

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