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ForumsCog Forum → Saber tip evaluate question.
Saber tip evaluate question.
2004-12-05, 1:05 PM #1
Hi all.
I have great idea, but it depends on one thing:

Is possible to evaluate position of tip of the saber?

please help.

-= Jedi Knight I forever =-
2004-12-05, 5:44 PM #2
Do you mean: is there any way to determine the size of the saber's tip?

Nope, the best you can do is set it manually and just save the value you set it at as a variable to be used as a constant.

If that's not what you were asking, could you clarify a little?

2004-12-05, 9:43 PM #3
He wants to know if it's possible to find it's position. It was clear enough. The answer is, no. You could probably find it while idle by firing a projectile from player (can't just do it from lookvec, I believe), at a specified offset, and using that as it's position, but once it's swung, there's not really any way to figure out.
_ _ _____________ _ _
Wolf Moon
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The Woods At Night
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2004-12-05, 10:10 PM #4
D'oh, I got hung up on the word "evaluate" and totally forgot about "position."

What SniperWolf said, there's no cog verb or easy way to get it's position. You'd need to know the player's pitch (which a simple GetThingLVec WON'T return) and the position of a default length saber's tip compared to the center of the player when not playing any animations (besides the basic standing pose).

2004-12-06, 3:21 AM #5
It seems to be hard thing to do :(
maybe another way: atach thing to saber tip and then get thing pos in pulse message. Do you know how to do this?

Any other ideas ?
-= Jedi Knight I forever =-
2004-12-06, 3:43 AM #6
I don't think there is an attachment that works with keys, but I'm not so experienced in animations.
"Häb Pfrässe, süsch chlepfts!" - The coolest language in the world (besides Cherokee)
2004-12-06, 10:22 AM #7
As Zagibu surmised, there's no attachment that attaches a thing to a certain part of another thing (so that it will move with the "another" thing's animations).

Aside from the method SniperWolf and I suggested, there isn't a way to get the saber tip's location, and there's no precise method. The imprecise method we described would be the only way.

2004-12-07, 12:52 AM #8
is possible to get orient of saber from current key ?
-= Jedi Knight I forever =-
2004-12-07, 5:18 AM #9
Not on the fly, I don't think so. But you could write all key positions down as variables in cog and calculate the offset by yourself (if you have the starting time of the playkey command). It's hard work, though.
"Häb Pfrässe, süsch chlepfts!" - The coolest language in the world (besides Cherokee)

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