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ForumsCog Forum → 3do Lighting
3do Lighting
2004-12-11, 8:21 PM #1
Is it possible to limit what a 3do light effects. For example, is it possible to limit 3doLight_1 to 3do's in Layer_1 and 3doLight_2 to 3do's in Layer_2?

If so, could someone write the code for me and I'll send you a screenshot of my latest inovative imagination? :o :D ;) :cool:
Math is infinitely finite, while the universe is finitely infinite. PI = QED
2004-12-11, 9:57 PM #2
Not that Im aware of. There may be some unknown flag to do this, but thats unlikely...

Dynamic lighting always seemed to me to be an afterthought of the developers. Like they threw it in for the hell of it. :\
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.

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