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ForumsCog Forum → Client cogs aren't my strong suit
Client cogs aren't my strong suit
2004-12-22, 1:20 PM #1
I've tried to make a client COG to a weapon COG, but it ain't working... What did I do wrong?

Edward's Cognative Hazards
2004-12-22, 8:58 PM #2
If client cogs aren't your strong suit, what is?!?!
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2004-12-23, 4:55 AM #3
Simple, single COGs. Which left me with no templates being created. Now that I've made a client COG, the animations won't play. The trigger won't trigger. Did I misspell something?
Edward's Cognative Hazards
2004-12-23, 10:12 PM #4
Here's the link to the tutorial I mentioned in your other thread:
-There are easier things in life than finding a good woman, like nailing Jello to a tree, for instance

2004-12-25, 9:51 AM #5
Did it and still won't work. I attach an update here.
Edward's Cognative Hazards
2004-12-25, 10:23 PM #6
Hmm, there's all sorts of problems in the server cog. A lot of them are syntax errors, and a lot of it was confusing the way it was laid out. What actions are supposed to what? In other words: primary fire, crouching primary fire, secondary fire, crouching secondary fire. Telling me that will help me sort things out a bit more.

Also, what is the cog doing right now as you have it?
-There are easier things in life than finding a good woman, like nailing Jello to a tree, for instance

2004-12-26, 8:02 AM #7
As the COG is right now, only the server code responds with the animations. The client doesn't respond by not putting anything on the ground.

OK. What does what:
Primary: Will place a normal sequencers rapidly infront of you. (+seqchrg2 ID=82)
Crouch+primary: Will place extra sequencers rapidly infront of you. (random(+seqchrg2b,+seqchrg2f) ID=81)
Secondary: Will place random sequencers rapidly at a random position ranging in a 10 meter radius around you. (random(seqchrg2,seqchrg2f,seqchrg2b) ID=83)
Crouch+secondary: Will detonate all sequencers that you've placed out. (by damaging the seqs, but not before warning the players to run with 3 simple words).

Edward's Cognative Hazards
2004-12-28, 3:38 PM #8
Hello? Anyone knowing my problem? Please help!
Edward's Cognative Hazards
2004-12-29, 8:39 AM #9
I wish I could help, and I will when I can, but right now I am very, very busy.
-There are easier things in life than finding a good woman, like nailing Jello to a tree, for instance


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