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ForumsCog Forum → Private Chat.
Private Chat.
2004-12-24, 12:19 AM #1
With some of the advances, I was wondering if we could rethink this. Using the mouse driven menu system, could you not set up some sort of click-to-type chat system by just concatenating strings? I know this would be primitive, but even pre-decided team-based commands in a menu (like alot of hl based mods have) would be cool. As it is, I've only seen cogs that use hotkeys, which is cool until I forget which key I want. Any ideas besides these? How advanced is key-capturing?
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2004-12-24, 8:05 AM #2
Preconfigured messages via a menu would be a snap. Clicking a menu to type text out manually would be tedious, but possible.

As for keytrapping, it depends on the keys you want to capture. The WASD fasion keys are just a matter of GetThingThrust(), crouch IsThingCrouching(), but Jump is a little trickier. SaberMaster whipped up a keytrapping cog and it's pretty good. Nab it under the cog section here:
-Hell Raiser
2004-12-24, 8:35 AM #3
in JKRPG was a team chat function, if a player of team x activates thing x send message .... to teammembers of team x.
SpriteMod (JO 2003) Roger Wilco Skin

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