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ForumsCog Forum → Safe to say cog is:
Safe to say cog is:
2005-01-01, 12:09 PM #1
A Thing/Level Orientated Programming Language? I mean, c'mon, cogs are attached to things/levels, like VB code is attached to a control.

[/mindless banter]
-Hell Raiser
2005-01-01, 2:38 PM #2
COG handles more than just things and levels. It also handles Weapons... Read here for more info.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2005-01-01, 4:40 PM #3
I think I'd have to agree with hr, cog's can't really exist without a parent object to at least cause jk to run them.
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2005-01-01, 7:06 PM #4
It's a runtime interpreted (assumingly so) event based scripting language..
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2005-01-02, 12:24 AM #5
Oh yea, weapons/hotkeys too. :p Same principal I suppose, you're attaching a cog to a thing/level item/weapon/hotkey, that's all of 'em, right? :p

And yes gbk, I've read that article several times. :) As I understand it, cogs are parsed and run along side everything else just like the compiled C++ code.

Anyway, I was just trying to come up with a simple programming analogy to describe cog, so that when the time comes, I can write a decent tutorial or two. ;)
-Hell Raiser
2005-01-02, 12:07 PM #6
Just consider it a game-based object oriented programming language. (Based on the objects found within the game)
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Cast Your Spell On Me
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