template vanish (+firecloud) refuses to create, even if I coment out SetGrowthSpeed. Could you help?
Why I want a negative grows speed is because I want the thing to have the effect of getting sucked in.
PS. Anyone wondering about the line break of slurp and point is the forums fault. Not mine!
# Teleport Any Actor, like marbles. # # By Edward symbols message entered sector slurp mask=0x41C sector point template vanish template remat sound gone sound ret thing v local end # code entered: If(GetSenderRef()!=slurp) v=CreateThingAtPos(vanish,slurp,GetSectorCenter(slurp),'0 0 0'); SetParticleGrowthSpeed(v,-50); PlaySoundPos(gone,GetThingPos(GetSourceRef()),1,-1,-1,0x0); v=CreateThingAtPos(remat,point,GetSectorCenter(point),'0 0 0'); StopThing(GetSourceRef()); TeleportThing(GetSourceRef(),v); PlaySoundPos(ret,GetThingPos(GetSourceRef()),1,-1,-1,0x0); return; end
Why I want a negative grows speed is because I want the thing to have the effect of getting sucked in.
PS. Anyone wondering about the line break of slurp and point is the forums fault. Not mine!