I coulda sworn that there was a post about this, but I can't find it anywhere.
Is it true that if you add an extra variable to a cog verb, then it will return that variable?
ex. printint(GetLocalPlayerThing(42)); prints 42 on the screen.
The reason I'm asking is because it isn't working for me, but I could have sworn I read it somewhere. I hope I'm just doing it wrong, since this will help some verb debugging of mine.
Also, if you have any input on the mots verb "insideleia(...);" I would love to know what it does.
Is it true that if you add an extra variable to a cog verb, then it will return that variable?
ex. printint(GetLocalPlayerThing(42)); prints 42 on the screen.
The reason I'm asking is because it isn't working for me, but I could have sworn I read it somewhere. I hope I'm just doing it wrong, since this will help some verb debugging of mine.
Also, if you have any input on the mots verb "insideleia(...);" I would love to know what it does.
Sam: "Sir we can't call it 'The Enterprise'"
Jack: "Why not!"
Jack: "Why not!"