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ForumsCog Forum → print
2005-01-29, 12:26 AM #1
how do i print stuff on the top of the screen.:o
My Main Objective------ Is to make Jk Real......No i mean Really Real.
2005-01-29, 1:27 AM #2
OK... Listen very closely for this is going to be complicated... First, you make a new line.......

Then, you add a p, r, i... Then stop for a moment to recap where your keys are, and make sure you got it right. Then you continue: n, t, then in brackets, type in some text and surround the text with double-quotes. Then add the semicolon, and then...................... Continue with your code! :D

print("Ask a silly question, be prepared for a silly answere.");

Edward's Cognative Hazards
2005-01-29, 1:50 AM #3
You will find the DataMaster quite the helpful resource.

Just click the link in my sig to goto Sabers Domain and download the latest version under the files section. :D
-Hell Raiser
2005-01-29, 11:50 AM #4
Originally posted by Edward
print("Ask a silly question, be prepared for a silly answere.");


The only silly question that exists is: "What is a silly question?".
"Häb Pfrässe, süsch chlepfts!" - The coolest language in the world (besides Cherokee)
2005-01-29, 3:31 PM #5
Edward, theres no need to be sarcastic.

Here is a simple cog to print text to the screen 2 seconds after startup:

  Message Startup
    Sleep ( 2 );
    Print ( "Testing, testing..." );
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.

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