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ForumsCog Forum → Cog to Prevent Double Translucent Surface Glitch?
Cog to Prevent Double Translucent Surface Glitch?
2005-01-29, 8:58 AM #1
Would it be possible to make a cog that changes the face flags of a bunch of surfaces to 0 when the player is in a designated sector?

I've got a couple of waterfalls flowing into a huge pool and when the character is underwater they completely disapear. And because of the MotS water phsics almost any given time you're in the water you're under the surface. Really ruins the effect.


Aquapark - Untitled JK Arena Level - Prism CTF
2005-01-29, 10:12 AM #2
I had the same problem...

one way is to set the surface wich see from the ground to set in geometry to 0.....
SpriteMod (JO 2003) Roger Wilco Skin

Snail racing: (500 posts per line) ---@%
2005-01-29, 11:19 AM #3
I think it should be possible to add some bit of code to kyle.cog, that clears said flag from all surfaces not belonging to an underwater sector, when the player dives.
I might have some time tomorrow...
"Häb Pfrässe, süsch chlepfts!" - The coolest language in the world (besides Cherokee)
2005-01-30, 10:05 AM #4
Actually, there is a way. Make the waterfall a 3DO, (I know there's a way to do scrolling mats or something like that on 3DOs) and make the faces 'blocks light' as well as archi. If you did it correctly, it will render even while you're underwater.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-01-30, 12:28 PM #5
I did not have enough time yet. And I'm too drunk right now, so, sorry. You can always try jedikirbys way and use a MatAnim to display the falling water, or sit in a corner and sing "woohoo, one for the doo, one for the dweeramoo, two for the goo". Or not.
"Häb Pfrässe, süsch chlepfts!" - The coolest language in the world (besides Cherokee)

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