New problem. I am attempting an Air Strike, though I don't think it is working properly... In the code, I did so that when you had a lock on someone and released the trigger, conc bullets would come raining down, if there was a high enough ceiling. 2 problems though:
1. After I've hit my target, the game quits. Not to desktop, but to the main menu.
2. It seems like only one vertex is registered because I only see one bullet come raining down, though I am sure of that there are more vertices in the level. I'm testing this in the big open level 06.
Now, you're probebly wondering about the 6 commented out FireProjectiles... Well, I can't decide how many bullets I want from each vertex, so... And also, about searching for all vertices in all sectors, that is because when I fire from the ground in 06, I'm not in the same sector as the sky. Not until I'm up on the bridges and so on do I get in the same sector as the sky. I am using HasLos to make sure I don't blow something else up by misstake, but I guess that ain't good enough... What do I need so that the bombing comes from the sky.
New problem. I am attempting an Air Strike, though I don't think it is working properly... In the code, I did so that when you had a lock on someone and released the trigger, conc bullets would come raining down, if there was a high enough ceiling. 2 problems though:
1. After I've hit my target, the game quits. Not to desktop, but to the main menu.
2. It seems like only one vertex is registered because I only see one bullet come raining down, though I am sure of that there are more vertices in the level. I'm testing this in the big open level 06.
# Jedi Knight Cog Script # # WEAP_CONCRIFLE.COG # # WEAPON 9 Script - Concussion Rifle # # The trusty weapon of the Bossk race. It fires a concussive blast with a maximum # range of 30 meters, from there it creates an explosion that has a spread of about # 4 meters in diameter. # # - Not affected by MagSealed sectors/surfaces. # # [YB & CYW] # # (C) 1997 LucasArts Entertainment Co. All Rights Reserved # ======================================================================================== symbols model povModel=conv.3do local model weaponMesh=cong.3do local keyframe mountAnim=ConVmnt.key local keyframe dismountAnim=ConVdis.key local keyframe povfireAnim=ConVpst1.key local keyframe povfireAnim2=detvpre1.key local keyframe holsterAnim=kyhlstr.key local sound mountSound=df_rif_ready.wav local sound dismountSound=PutWeaponAway01.wav local sound fireSound=concuss5.wav local sound outSound=concuss1.wav local sound callSound=i00o305z.wav local sound incoming=Nouveau.wav local flex fireWait=1.2 local flex powerBoost local flex autoAimFOV=30 local flex autoAimMaxDist=5 local flex holsterWait local int dummy local template projectile=+concbullet local template projectile3=+concbullet2 local template in=+lightninghit local thing player local thing p local int vercount=0 local int trackID=-1 local int mode local int holsterTrack local flex rank=4 local int victim=-1 local int potential=-1 local flex maxdot local flex dot local int selectMode=1 local vector lv local vector lvr local int i local sector sector local thing returnpos local template ghost=+repeaterball local int isaflag local message activated message deactivated message selected message deselected #message newplayer message autoselect message fire message timer end # ======================================================================================== code fire: // Check that the player is still alive. if(GetThingHealth(player) <= 0) { Return; } // Check Ammo - If we are out, autoselect best weapon. if(GetInv(player, 12) < 8.0) { PlaySoundThing(outSound, player, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x80); if(GetAutoSwitch() & 1) SelectWeapon(player, AutoSelectWeapon(player, 1)); Return; } if(mode == 0) { dummy = FireProjectile(player, projectile, fireSound, 18, '0.02 0.15 0.0', '0 0 0', 1.0, 0x20, autoAimFOV, autoAimMaxDist); ChangeInv(player, 12, -8.0); ChangeFireRate(player, fireWait/powerBoost); SetPOVShake('0.0 -.03 0.0', '4.0 0.0 0.0', .05, 80.0); jkPlayPOVKey(player, povfireAnim, 1, 0x38); // Provide a kick backwards ApplyForce(player, VectorScale(GetThingLVec(player), -80)); } else { ChangeFireRate(player, 0.01); // Check all things for our victim. victim = -1; maxDot = 0; // Search for all players, actors and items. potential = FirstThingInView(player, 20 + 15 * rank, 5.5, 0x424); while(potential != -1) { if( HasLOS(player, potential) && (potential != player) && (VectorDist(GetThingPos(player), GetThingPos(potential)) <= 10) && !(GetThingFlags(potential) & 0x200) && !((jkGetFlags(potential) & 0x20) && !IsInvActivated(player, 23)) && !(GetPhysicsFlags(potential) & 0x400000) && !(GetThingType(potential)==5) ) { // Hack to avoid targetting a CTF flag... IsAFlag = 0; if(!IsAFlag) { dot = ThingViewDot(player, potential); if(dot > maxDot) { victim = potential; maxDot = dot; } } } potential = NextThingInView(); } // If we have a victim... if(victim != -1) { jkSetTargetColors(rand()*255,rand()*255,rand()*255); jkSetTarget(victim); } else { jkEndTarget(); } } powerBoost = GetInv(player, 63); Return; # ........................................................................................ activated: player = GetSourceRef(); mode = GetSenderRef(); jkSetWaggle(player, '0.0 0.0 0.0', 0); powerBoost = GetInv(player, 63); ActivateWeapon( player, fireWait/powerBoost, mode ); Return; # ........................................................................................ deactivated: player = GetSourceRef(); mode = GetSenderRef(); if(mode==1) { jkEndTarget(); vercount=0; if(victim == -1) return; sector=GetThingSector(player); SetPOVShake('0.0 -.03 0.0', '4.0 0.0 0.0', .05, 80.0); returnpos=FireProjectile(player,ghost,-1,-1,'0 0 0.1','0 0 0',0,0,0,0); for(sector=0; sector<=GetSectorCount(); sector=sector+1) { for(i=0; i<=GetNumSectorVertices(sector); i=i+1) { if(VectorZ(GetSectorVertexPos(sector, i))>VectorZ(GetThingPos(player))+1) { lv=VectorSub(GetSectorVertexPos(sector, i),GetSectorVertexPos(sector, i+1)); lvr=VectorSet(-VectorX(lv),-VectorY(lv),-VectorZ(lv)); lv=VectorSub(GetSectorVertexPos(sector, i),GetThingPos(victim)); lvr=VectorSet(-VectorX(lv),-VectorY(lv),-VectorZ(lv)); dummy=CreateThingAtPos(ghost,sector,GetSectorVertexPos(sector, i),lvr); CaptureThing(dummy); SetThingLook(dummy,lvr); TeleportThing(player,dummy); if(HasLos(player,victim)) { p=FireProjectile(player,projectile3,-1,-1,'0 0 0','0 0 0',0,0x00,0,0); SetThingVel(p,VectorScale(lvr,powerBoost)); // p=FireProjectile(player,projectile3,-1,-1,'.1 0 0','0 0 0',0,0x00,0,0); // SetThingVel(p,VectorScale(lvr,powerBoost)); // p=FireProjectile(player,projectile3,-1,-1,'0 0 .1','0 0 0',0,0x00,0,0); // SetThingVel(p,VectorScale(lvr,powerBoost)); // p=FireProjectile(player,projectile3,-1,-1,'.1 0 .1','0 0 0',0,0x00,0,0); // SetThingVel(p,VectorScale(lvr,powerBoost)); // p=FireProjectile(player,projectile3,-1,-1,'-.1 0 0','0 0 0',0,0x00,0,0); // SetThingVel(p,VectorScale(lvr,powerBoost)); // p=FireProjectile(player,projectile3,-1,-1,'0 0 -.1','0 0 0',0,0x00,0,0); // SetThingVel(p,VectorScale(lvr,2*powerBoost)); // p=FireProjectile(player,projectile3,-1,-1,'-.1 0 -.1','0 0 0',0,0x00,0,0); // SetThingVel(p,VectorScale(lvr,powerBoost)); } DestroyThing(dummy); vercount=vercount+1; } } } TeleportThing(player,returnpos); DestroyThing(returnpos); if(vercount>0) { jkPlayPOVKey(player, povfireAnim2, 1, 0x38); PlaySoundThing(callSound,player,1,-1,-1,0x0); PlaySoundGlobal(incoming,1,0,0x0); } } jkSetWaggle(player, '10.0 7.0 1.0', 350); DeactivateWeapon( player, mode ); Return; # ........................................................................................ selected: player = GetSourceRef(); // Play external mounting animation PlayMode(player, 41); // Setup the meshes and models. jkSetPOVModel(player, povModel); SetArmedMode(player, 1); jkSetWeaponMesh(player, weaponMesh); jkSetWaggle(player, '10.0 7.0 0.0', 350); // Play mounting sound. PlaySoundThing(mountSound, player, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0x80); // Play the animation (NOLOOP + UNIQUE + ENDPAUSE). // The animation is held at the last frame after it is played. trackID = jkPlayPOVKey(player, mountAnim, 0, 20); SetMountWait(player, GetKeyLen(mountAnim)); // Clear saber flags, and allow activation of the weapon jkClearFlags(player, 0x5); SetCurWeapon(player, 9); // Check Ammo - If we are out, autoselect best weapon. if(GetInv(player, 12) < 2.0) { PlaySoundThing(outSound, player, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x80); if(GetAutoSwitch() & 1) SelectWeapon(player, AutoSelectWeapon(player, 1)); } Return; # ........................................................................................ deselected: player = GetSourceRef(); PlaySoundThing(dismountSound, player, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x80); jkPlayPOVKey(player, dismountAnim, 0, 18); holsterWait = GetKeyLen(holsterAnim); SetMountWait(player, holsterWait); holsterTrack = PlayKey(player, holsterAnim, 1, 0x4); SetTimerEx(holsterWait, 2, 0.0, 0.0); if (trackID != -1) { jkStopPOVKey(player, trackID, 0); trackID = -1; } jkSetWaggle(player, '0.0 0.0 0.0', 0); Return; # ........................................................................................ //newplayer: // player = GetSourceRef(); // // // Make sure that if the player is respawning, the old mount isn't playing anymore. // if (trackID != -1) // jkStopPOVKey(player, trackID, 0); // // Return; # ........................................................................................ autoselect: selectMode = GetSenderRef(); player = GetSourceRef(); // If the player has the weapon if(GetInv(player, 9) != 0.0) { // If the player has ammo if(GetInv(player, 12) > 7.0) { // query for ammo if(selectMode == -1) { ReturnEx(1000.0); Return; } if((selectMode == 0) && !(GetAutoPickup() & 2)) { ReturnEx(1000.0); Return; } if((selectMode == 1) && !(GetAutoSwitch() & 2)) { ReturnEx(1000.0); Return; } if((selectMode == 2) && !(GetAutoPickup() & 2)) { ReturnEx(1000.0); Return; } ReturnEx(-2.0); Return; } else { ReturnEx(-1.0); } } else { ReturnEx(-1.0); } Return; # ........................................................................................ timer: StopKey(player, holsterTrack, 0.0); Return; end
Now, you're probebly wondering about the 6 commented out FireProjectiles... Well, I can't decide how many bullets I want from each vertex, so... And also, about searching for all vertices in all sectors, that is because when I fire from the ground in 06, I'm not in the same sector as the sky. Not until I'm up on the bridges and so on do I get in the same sector as the sky. I am using HasLos to make sure I don't blow something else up by misstake, but I guess that ain't good enough... What do I need so that the bombing comes from the sky.