A COG of mine won't count all 32 people that lie dead! Please Help!
The print thing says at tops 31 things dead. But I know that it has reached 32! And also, the number reduces when I fire my guns! Why is that?
Edit: Found more problems... I, sometimes, am able to get to 32 and get to the user0: message. Now begins problems. At the end of all this, the pulse seems to reset itself. Somewhat like if the beenin is reset to 1 and thereby every second I end up printing the first line in the user0 message. WHY WHY WHY!!!!???????????
A COG of mine won't count all 32 people that lie dead! Please Help!
# The Boss for TNT3-TNT2 # # By Edward symbols message entered message pulse message user0 message killed sector entering template temp0 template temp1 template temp2 template temp3 template temp4 template temp5 template temp6 template temp7 template temp8 template temp9 thing t0=-1 local thing t1=-1 local thing t2=-1 local thing t3=-1 local thing t4=-1 local thing t5=-1 local thing t6=-1 local thing t7=-1 local thing t8=-1 local thing t9=-1 local thing t10=-1 local thing t11=-1 local thing t12=-1 local thing t13=-1 local thing t14=-1 local thing t15=-1 local thing t16=-1 local thing t17=-1 local thing t18=-1 local thing t19=-1 local thing t20=-1 local thing t21=-1 local thing t22=-1 local thing t23=-1 local thing t24=-1 local thing t25=-1 local thing t26=-1 local thing t27=-1 local thing t28=-1 local thing t29=-1 local thing t30=-1 local thing t31=-1 local flex spreadx flex spready flex spreadz flex lookx flex looky flex lookz int lx local int ly local int lz local sector room0 sector room1 sector room2 sector room3 sector room4 sector room5 sector room6 sector room7 sector room8 sector bosshole template bolt template acamera thing cam1 local thing cam2 local vector frontalcampos keyframe bossfire thing boss mask=0xFFF int i local int d local int dd local int beenin=0 local sound k_well sound d_think sound d_hello sound d_last sound d_flash sound d_clone sound d_exactly sound k_heard sound d_which sound k_Red sound d_ok sound k_difference sound d_voice sound k_else sound d_candothis sound boltpow sound k_kthen sound music sound hold int ch=1 local int k=-1 local vector lv local vector lvr local sound Congrats end # code entered: If(GetSenderRef()!=entering) return; if(beenin==1) return; beenin=1; dd=0; SetGoalFlags(GetLocalPlayerThing(), 0, 0x2); print("Mission Objective Complete!"); for(i=0; i<32; i=i+1) { if(lookx==-1) { lx=rand()*360; } else { lx=lookx; } if(looky==-1) { ly=rand()*360; } else { ly=looky; } if(lookz==-1) { lz=rand()*360; } else { lz=lookz; } t0=createThingAtPos(temp0[rand()*9], room0,GetSectorCenter(room0), vectorset(lx,ly,lz)); if(t0!=-1) dd=dd+1; CaptureThing(t0); SetThingVel(t0,VectorSet( (rand()*(spreadx*2.00000000))-spreadx, (rand()*(spready*2.00000000))-spready, (rand()*(spreadz*2.00000000))-spreadz )); sleep(0.1); } SetPulse(1); return; pulse: d=0; for(i=0; i<32; i=i+1) { if((GetThingFlags(t0) & 0x200)) // || (t0==-1) d=d+1; } printint(d); printint(dd); if(d>=dd) { if(beenin==2) return; beenin=2; SetPulse(0); call user0; } if(beenin==2) { lv=VectorSub(GetThingPos(cam1),frontalcampos); lvr=VectorSet(-VectorX(lv), -VectorY(lv), -VectorZ(lv)); SetThingLook(cam1,lvr); if(VectorDist(GetThingPos(cam1), GetThingPos(boss))<.2) ApplyForce(cam1,lv); else if(VectorDist(GetThingPos(cam1), GetThingPos(boss))>.2) ApplyForce(cam1,lvr); lv=VectorSub(GetThingPos(cam2), VectorAdd(GetThingPos(GetLocalPlayerThing()), VectorSet(0,0,.05))); lvr=VectorSet(-VectorX(lv), -VectorY(lv), -VectorZ(lv)); SetThingLook(cam2,lvr); if(VectorDist(GetThingPos(cam2), GetThingPos(GetLocalPlayerThing()))<.2) ApplyForce(cam2,lv); else if(VectorDist(GetThingPos(cam1), GetThingPos(GetLocalPlayerThing()))>.2) ApplyForce(cam2,lvr); AISetLookPos(boss, GetThingPos(GetLocalPlayerThing())); } return; killed: if(GetSenderRef()!=boss) return; PlaySoundLocal(Congrats,1,0,0x0); print("Mission Objective Completed!"); SetGoalFlags(GetLocalPlayerThing(), 3, 0x2); SetGoalFlags(GetLocalPlayerThing(), 4, 0x1); sleep(1); print("Right... Now to find the Galexy Destroyer."); return; user0: SetActorFlags(GetLocalPlayerThing(),0x800000); print("Well, that seems to be everyone..."); PlaySong(0,0,0); PlaySoundLocal(k_well,1,0,0x0); sleep(GetSoundLen(k_well)); cam1=FireProjectile(GetLocalPlayerThing(), acamera, -1, -1, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', 0,0,0,0); cam2=FireProjectile(GetLocalPlayerThing(), acamera, -1, -1, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', 0,0,0,0); CaptureThing(cam1); CaptureThing(cam2); SetCameraFocus(0,cam1); SetCameraFocus(1,cam1); SetThingVel(cam2,'.1 .1 .1'); print("That's what you think..."); PlaySoundLocal(d_think,1,0,0x0); SetLifeLeft(cam1,0); SetLifeLeft(cam2,0); SetPulse(0.01); sleep(1); ClearSectorFlags(bosshole, 0x1); ch=PlaySoundLocal(music, .5, 0, 0x0); sleep(1); Print("Dark Jedi: Hello Kyle!"); PlaySoundLocal(d_hello,1,0,0x0); sleep(GetSoundLen(d_hello)); Print("Dark Jedi: I am the last thing you will ever see!"); PlaySoundLocal(d_last,1,0,0x0); sleep(GetSoundLen(d_last)); Print("Dark Jedi: I am the FLASHING DEATH!!!"); PlaySoundLocal(d_flash,1,0,0x0); sleep(GetSoundLen(d_flash)); Print("Dark Jedi: I am cloned from Jerec!"); PlaySoundLocal(d_clone,1,0,0x0); sleep(GetSoundLen(d_clone)); Print("Dark Jedi: I am exactly like him but i am altered to be better!"); PlaySoundLocal(d_exactly,1,0,0x0); sleep(GetSoundLen(d_exactly)-.5); Print("Kyle: Yes, so I've heard from your brother, who lies dead..."); SetCameraFocus(0,cam2); SetCameraFocus(1,GetLocalPlayerThing()); PlaySoundLocal(k_heard,1,0,0x0); StopSound(ch,1); PlaySoundLocal(hold,1,0,0x0); sleep(GetSoundLen(k_heard)); print("Dark Jedi: Oh... Which one was it?"); SetCameraFocus(0,cam1); PlaySoundLocal(d_which,1,0,0x0); sleep(GetSoundLen(d_which)); print("Kyle: The Red one."); SetCameraFocus(0,cam2); PlaySoundLocal(k_Red,1,0,0x0); sleep(GetSoundLen(k_Red)); print("Dark Jedi: OK..."); SetCameraFocus(0,cam1); PlaySoundLocal(d_ok,1,0,0x0); sleep(GetSoundLen(d_ok)); Print("Kyle: So what's different with you?"); SetCameraFocus(0,cam2); PlaySoundLocal(k_difference,1,0,0x0); sleep(GetSoundLen(k_difference)); Print("Dark Jedi: Um... I have a voice?"); SetCameraFocus(0,cam1); PlaySoundLocal(d_voice,1,0,0x0); sleep(GetSoundLen(d_voice)); Print("Kyle: True... Anything else?"); SetCameraFocus(0,cam2); PlaySoundLocal(k_else,1,0,0x0); sleep(GetSoundLen(k_else)); SetCameraFocus(0,cam1); Print("Dark Jedi: Um... I can do this!"); PlaySoundLocal(d_candothis,1,0,0x0); sleep(GetSoundLen(d_candothis)); FireProjectile(boss, bolt, boltpow, -1, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', 0,0,0,0); k=PlayKey(boss,bossfire,1,0x4); sleep(1); StopKey(boss,k,1); SetCameraFocus(0,cam2); Print("Kyle: OK then... Lets Fight!"); PlaySoundLocal(k_kthen,1,0,0x0); sleep(GetSoundLen(k_kthen)); SetCameraFocus(0,GetLocalPlayerThing()); ClearActorFlags(GetLocalPlayerThing(),0x800000); SetPulse(0); AIClearMode(boss, 0x2000); AISetMode(boss, 0x4); SetGoalFlags(GetLocalPlayerThing(), 3, 0x1); DestroyThing(cam1); DestroyThing(cam2); return; end
The print thing says at tops 31 things dead. But I know that it has reached 32! And also, the number reduces when I fire my guns! Why is that?
Edit: Found more problems... I, sometimes, am able to get to 32 and get to the user0: message. Now begins problems. At the end of all this, the pulse seems to reset itself. Somewhat like if the beenin is reset to 1 and thereby every second I end up printing the first line in the user0 message. WHY WHY WHY!!!!???????????