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ForumsCog Forum → Refered by a friend
Refered by a friend
2005-04-26, 9:15 AM #1
Okay, Edward said that if I need help Cogging, just make a new post. Okay, here it is. First of all, any help on making a projectile that acts like a shotgun blast, (blasts outward, devestating at close range, not accurate at long range.).

Next, I need to make it so that on all 8 of the weapons I'm creating, secondary fire takes more time to fire than primary fire.

2005-04-26, 9:37 AM #2
Your second request can be solved by increasing the fireWait value in the symbols section of the respecting weapon cogs (weap_bryar.cog, etc.).
For the first request, it would be best to not only fire one single projectile, but several at the same time, adding an errorvector (random spread) to the FireProjectile command (the regular stormtrooper rifle does that errorvec thing, if you need a reference).
Or you can crack open power weapons pack 2 and check the weap_strifle.cog, tough there might be a more advanced way to achieve this (combining errorvecs in one trigger, maybe...).
"Häb Pfrässe, süsch chlepfts!" - The coolest language in the world (besides Cherokee)
2005-04-26, 5:40 PM #3
Okay, only one problem. In the beginning of the COG, it has one time dealy value. In my rush to post, I left out that the primary fire's rate needs to be the same. In the section for the secondary fire, do I add a reference up to the list at the top and make a new 'item' with my delay?
2005-04-26, 9:56 PM #4
You can grab which mode is firing. Take a look at the conc cog for an example. (It uses the mode to fire different projectiles) You can checkthe mode when you set the fireWait in the ActivateWeapon() verb.
_ _ _____________ _ _
Wolf Moon
Cast Your Spell On Me
The Woods At Night
The Wolf Has Come
2005-04-27, 5:59 AM #5
Oops, sorry, has been a long time since I last looked into a weapon cog. Sniperwolf is right, you only need the one value. Just have the cog check which fire mode is active (in the activated message), then use two different activateweapon commands. The fireWait should be passed as third parameter to this verb, if I remember correctly.
Have a look at the weap_concrifle.cog for reference.

So yeah, what Sniperwolf said :p.
"Häb Pfrässe, süsch chlepfts!" - The coolest language in the world (besides Cherokee)

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