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ForumsCog Forum → Weapon Help
Weapon Help
2005-05-03, 5:10 PM #1
Can some one out there write me some weapon cogs? Here is a list of what I want (you will get full credit). Notes in the cog would be helpful

1. A cog that gives you 2 blasters on a button, I want primary and secondary fires on both whepons.

2. A saber cog that can detect the saber color and give you a corsponding handel, and if you realy want special saber stances.

3. A simpel Melee whepon that swings using lightsaber KEY files. I wan't it to use the punch templet.

4. A saber throw that can tell color and blade handel. Would also be nice.

Thanks in advance.
In case you want me to prove my skill in JK editing let me know. I will post a picture. I am almost all self taught apart from some turtorials.
2005-05-03, 7:06 PM #2
Saber color CANNOT be detected. Create some sort of menu, or a switching hotkey. See SBX 3.1 for examples. Same for stance. Create the melee weapon as essientially just a saber replacement. Use the stuff from the saber cog, etc, but just make it so the saber isn't displayed.

For the 2 blasters one weap, check in the main editing forum I think. I think QuibMask posted an example, though his autoselect didn't look quite right...
_ _ _____________ _ _
Wolf Moon
Cast Your Spell On Me
The Woods At Night
The Wolf Has Come
2005-05-04, 5:01 AM #3
Would it work to take out some of the cogs and maybe jkstrings.uni from MOTS? That uses multiple weapons on 1 hotkey.
2005-05-04, 6:58 AM #4
I know there has to be a way to detect saber color they did it in MOTS. On the Meele whepon I don't want it to be able to block blaster bolts so what should I remove in the saber cog? How do you make a COG that uses the player model to specify the whepon model/ respawn spicifics? I have totaly forgoten:(.
2005-05-04, 8:01 AM #5
I assumed you meant JK. In JK there is no way. In MotS, they added a verb for that purpose, I believe.

There's a particular flag for blocking. You should just be able to clear it to remove that on the melee weapon. Check in the saber cog, they remove it before swinging, I believe.

If(LoadModel("blah.3do") == GetThingModel(player))

Something like that. Or you could assign the models in the symbols section and just compare.

model MODEL1=playermodel.3do local


if(GetThingModel(player) == MODEL1)

Anyways, something ike that. I'm not sure if you need doublequotes in symbols. Probably not, though.
_ _ _____________ _ _
Wolf Moon
Cast Your Spell On Me
The Woods At Night
The Wolf Has Come
2005-05-04, 10:15 AM #6
I did mean JK. Darn it all :( I wanted to do that so bad. I thougt there might be a way to get that info off the MPC file. If I descover a way I will let every one know. Thanks for explaning model specific whepons to me.
2005-05-05, 3:44 PM #7
Can some one stick in the lines that are need for a player model specific whepon templet for me. I have tried but it just mess it up. I would like notes so I can repeat it several times in this COG. I wan't to give diferent people diferent guns in my patch.

Another question can IF ELSE be used to controll keys? I was thinking of useing if else to make a Pic sized MPC that doesn't mess up the kyle type people.
Attachment: 4856/weap_bryar.txt (9,334 bytes)
2005-05-05, 7:18 PM #8
If you want to give them different weapons, you should put it into the init of kyle.cog, and just assign the inventory for the guns depending on what the model is. And throw checks into the powerup cogs for the model.
_ _ _____________ _ _
Wolf Moon
Cast Your Spell On Me
The Woods At Night
The Wolf Has Come
2005-05-06, 7:29 AM #9
I am trying to save bin room. All I want is the modle that is used to change according to the MPC you are. Kinda like in MOTS where if you are a female you have a diferent internial view mesh (if you ever noticed). I know that this can be done becouse I have seen it done using what I want to use.

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