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ForumsCog Forum → Wonder if anyone remembers me here
Wonder if anyone remembers me here
2005-05-26, 7:23 AM #1
I hope so, considering how infrequent I've been in comming here, but thats irrevent. I have a perplexing cog problem. I have two weapon cogs, one to replace fists (weap_pistol), and one to replace raildet (weap_HW). What happens is that when both cogs are in teh gob, when you select raildet (HW), the game crashes, however fists (pistol) works just fine. However, when fists (pistol) is not in the gob, raildet (HW) works just fine, same is true visa verca.

# Jedi Knight Cog Script
# WEAPON Script - Pistols
# [DP]


model       povModel=92fsv.3do                  local
model       weaponMesh=92fsg.3do                local

keyframe    mountAnim=p99Vmnt.key               local
keyframe    dismountAnim=p99Vdis.key            local
keyframe    povfireAnim=92fsvfire.key           local
keyframe    chamberAnim=92fsvchamber.key        local
keyframe    reloadAnim=p99vreload.key           local
keyframe    holsterAnim=kyhlstr.key             local

sound       mountSound=df_rif_ready.wav         local
sound       dismountSound=PutWeaponAway01.wav   local
sound       fireSound=92FS.wav                  local
sound       chamberSound=chamber.wav            local
sound       reloadSound=reload.wav              local
sound       outSound=concuss1.wav               local

flex        powerBoost                          local
flex        autoAimFOV=30                       local
flex        autoAimMaxDist=5                    local
flex        holsterWait                         local
flex        fireWait=0.08                       local
flex        acc=2.5                             local

int         dummy                               local

template    projectile=+bullet9mm               local

thing       player                              local
thing       weapthing                           local
int         trackID=-1                          local
int         mode                                local
int         holsterTrack                        local
int         selectMode=1                        local
int         canFire                             local
int         rounds=16                           local
int         reloading                           local
int         chambered                           local
int         clipsize                            local

vector      randvect                            local
template    weapdummy=+weapdummy                local
template    ldummy=+chdummy                     local

message     startup
message     newplayer
message     pulse
message     activated
message     deactivated
message     selected
message     deselected
message     autoselect
message     fire
message     timer
message     user0


# ========================================================================================


   SetInv(player, 129, 4);
   call setgun;

# ........................................................................................

   If(GetThingHealth(player) <= 0)
      If(weapThing != -1) DestroyThing(weapThing);
      weapThing = -1;
      SetThingCurGeoMode(weapThing, 0);
   SetThingCurGeoMode(weapThing, GetThingGeoMode(weapThing));
   SetThingPos(weapThing, GetThingPos(player));
   dummy = FireProjectile(player, ldummy, -1, -1, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', 0,0,0,0);
   SetThingLook(weapThing, GetThingLvec(dummy));

# ........................................................................................

   // Check that the player is still alive.
   if(GetThingHealth(player) <= 0)
   If(!canFire) Return;
   If(reloading) Return;

   If(rounds <= 0)
      PlaySoundThing(outSound, player, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x80);

   SetPOVShake('0.0 0 0.0', '5 0 0', .05, 80.0);
   randvect = VectorSet((.5-Rand())*acc, (.5-Rand())*acc, 0);
   If(IsThingCrouching(player)) randvect = VectorScale(randvect, .9);
   If(IsThingMoving(player)) randvect = VectorScale(randvect, VectorLen(GetThingVel(player))*.6 + 1);
   PlayMode(player, 8);
   SendTrigger(-1, 10, 0.0135, 0.12, 0.01, 0);
   SendTrigger(-1, 11, player, projectile, VectorX(randvect), VectorY(randvect));
   // SendTrigger(-1, 10, 0.0135, 0.09, 0.02, 0);
   // SendTrigger(-1, 12, player, case, 0, 0);
   PlayKey(weapThing, povFireAnim, 1, 0x1a);
   rounds = rounds - 1;
   SetInv(player, 14, rounds/clipsize*400);
   PlaySoundThing(fireSound, player, 1, -1, -1, 0x80);
   ChangeFireRate(player, fireWait);
   canFire = 0;


# ........................................................................................

   player = GetSourceRef();
   mode = GetSenderRef();
   If(reloading) Return;
   If(rounds <= 0) Return;

   jkSetWaggle(player, '0.0 0.0 0.0', 0);

   powerBoost = GetInv(player, 63);
   ActivateWeapon( player, fireWait, mode );


# ........................................................................................

   player = GetSourceRef();
   mode = GetSenderRef();

   If(rounds <= 0) call reload;

   jkSetWaggle(player, '10.0 7.0 0.0', 350);
   DeactivateWeapon( player, mode );
   canFire = 1;


# ........................................................................................

   player = GetSourceRef();

   // Play external mounting animation
   PlayMode(player, 41);

   // Setup the meshes and models.
   weapThing = CreateThing(weapdummy, player);
   AttachThingToThingEx(weapThing, player, 0x8);
   SetThingModel(weapThing, povModel);
   SetArmedMode(player, 1);
   jkSetWeaponMesh(player, weaponMesh);

   // Play mounting sound.
   PlaySoundThing(mountSound, player, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0x80);

   // Play the animation (NOLOOP + UNIQUE + ENDPAUSE).
   // The animation is held at the last frame after it is played.
   trackID = PlayKey(weapThing, mountAnim, 0, 0x14);
   SetMountWait(player, GetKeyLen(mountAnim));

   // Clear saber flags, and allow activation of the weapon
   jkClearFlags(player, 0x5);
   SetCurWeapon(player, 1);
   SetInv(player, 14, rounds/clipsize*400);
   canFire = 1;
   reloading = 0;


# ........................................................................................

   player = GetSourceRef();

   PlaySoundThing(dismountSound, player, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x80);
   PlayKey(weapThing, dismountAnim, 0, 0x12);

   holsterWait = GetKeyLen(holsterAnim);
   SetMountWait(player, holsterWait);
   holsterTrack = PlayKey(player, holsterAnim, 1, 0x4);
   SetTimerEx(holsterWait, 2, 0.0, 0.0);
   if (trackID != -1)
      jkStopPOVKey(player, trackID, 0);
      trackID = -1;
   jkSetWaggle(player, '0.0 0.0 0.0', 0);


# ........................................................................................

   selectMode = GetSenderRef();
   player = GetSourceRef();

# ........................................................................................

   If(GetSenderID() == 2)
      StopKey(player, holsterTrack, 0);
      If(weapThing != -1) DestroyThing(weapThing);
      weapThing = -1;
   If(GetSenderID() == 3)
      rounds = clipsize + chambered;
      SetInv(player, 14, rounds/clipsize*400);
      reloading = 0;

# ........................................................................................

   call reload;

# ........................................................................................

   If(reloading) Return;
   If(GetThingHealth(player) <= 0) Return;
   If(rounds > 0) chambered = 1;
   Else chambered = 0;
   reloading = 1;
   SetInv(player, 14, 0);
   SetMountWait(player, GetKeyLen(chamberAnim[chambered]));
   SetTimerEx(GetKeyLen(chamberAnim[chambered]), 3, 0, 0);
   PlaySoundThing(chamberSound[chambered], player, 1, -1, -1, 0x80);
   PlayKey(weapThing, chamberAnim[chambered], 1, 0x2);

# ........................................................................................

   If(GetInv(player, 129) == 1) // P228
      povModel = LoadModel("p228v.3do");
      weaponMesh = LoadModel("92fsg.3do");
      mountAnim = LoadKeyframe("p99Vmnt.key");
      dismountAnim = LoadKeyframe("p99Vdis.key");
      povfireAnim = LoadKeyframe("p99Vfire.key");
      reloadAnim = LoadKeyframe("p99Vreload.key");
      chamberAnim = LoadKeyframe("p99Vchamber.key");
      fireSound = LoadSound("p228.wav");
      acc = 2;
      clipsize = 13;
      projectile = LoadTemplate("+bullet9mm");
   If(GetInv(player, 129) == 2) // 92FS
      povModel = LoadModel("92fsv.3do");
      weaponMesh = LoadModel("92fsg.3do");
      mountAnim = LoadKeyframe("p99Vmnt.key");
      dismountAnim = LoadKeyframe("p99Vdis.key");
      povfireAnim = LoadKeyframe("92fsVfire.key");
      reloadAnim = LoadKeyframe("p99Vreload.key");
      chamberAnim = LoadKeyframe("92fsVchamber.key");
      fireSound = LoadSound("92fs.wav");
      acc = 2.4;
      clipsize = 16;
      projectile = LoadTemplate("+bullet9mm");
   If(GetInv(player, 129) == 3) // Colt 1911
      povModel = LoadModel("coltv.3do");
      weaponMesh = LoadModel("coltg.3do");
      mountAnim = LoadKeyframe("p99Vmnt.key");
      dismountAnim = LoadKeyframe("p99Vdis.key");
      povfireAnim = LoadKeyframe("p99Vfire.key");
      reloadAnim = LoadKeyframe("p99Vreload.key");
      chamberAnim = LoadKeyframe("92fsVchamber.key");
      fireSound = LoadSound("colt.wav");
      acc = 3;
      clipsize = 8;
      projectile = LoadTemplate("+bullet45cal");
   If(GetInv(player, 129) == 4) // Mark23
      povModel = LoadModel("mark23v.3do");
      weaponMesh = LoadModel("92fsg.3do");
      mountAnim = LoadKeyframe("p99Vmnt.key");
      dismountAnim = LoadKeyframe("p99Vdis.key");
      povfireAnim = LoadKeyframe("92fsVfire.key");
      reloadAnim = LoadKeyframe("p99Vreload.key");
      chamberAnim = LoadKeyframe("92fsVchamber.key");
      fireSound = LoadSound("mark23.wav");
      acc = 2.7;
      clipsize = 13;
      projectile = LoadTemplate("+bullet45cal");
   If(GetInv(player, 129) == 5) // Five7
      povModel = LoadModel("five7v.3do");
      weaponMesh = LoadModel("92fsg.3do");
      mountAnim = LoadKeyframe("p99Vmnt.key");
      dismountAnim = LoadKeyframe("p99Vdis.key");
      povfireAnim = LoadKeyframe("92fsVfire.key");
      reloadAnim = LoadKeyframe("p99Vreload.key");
      chamberAnim = LoadKeyframe("92fsVchamber.key");
      fireSound = LoadSound("57.wav");
      acc = 2.8;
      clipsize = 20;
      projectile = LoadTemplate("+bullet57");
   If(GetInv(player, 129) == 6) // Desert Eagle
      povModel = LoadModel("DEv.3do");
      weaponMesh = LoadModel("92fsg.3do");
      mountAnim = LoadKeyframe("p99Vmnt.key");
      dismountAnim = LoadKeyframe("p99Vdis.key");
      povfireAnim = LoadKeyframe("deVfire.key");
      reloadAnim = LoadKeyframe("p99Vreload.key");
      chamberAnim = LoadKeyframe("deVchamber.key");
      fireSound = LoadSound("DE.wav");
      acc = 3.4;
      clipsize = 7;
      projectile = LoadTemplate("+bullet50calp");
   rounds = clipsize + 1;


# Jedi Knight Cog Script
# WEAPON Script - Heavy Weapons
# [DP]


model       povModel=mac10v.3do                 local
model       weaponMesh=macg.3do                 local

keyframe    mountAnim=macVmnt.key               local
keyframe    dismountAnim=macVdis.key            local
keyframe    povfireAnim=macVpst1.key            local
keyframe    chamberAnim=macVmnt.key             local
keyframe    reloadAnim=macVmnt.key              local
keyframe    holsterAnim=kyhlstr.key             local

sound       mountSound=df_rif_ready.wav         local
sound       dismountSound=PutWeaponAway01.wav   local
sound       fireSound=mac10_fire.wav            local
sound       outSound=concuss1.wav               local
sound       chamberSound=df_rif_ready.wav       local
sound       reloadSound=PutWeaponAway01.wav     local
sound       spas12reloadSound=df_rif_ready.wav  local

flex        powerBoost                          local
flex        autoAimFOV=30                       local
flex        autoAimMaxDist=5                    local
flex        holsterWait                         local
flex        fireWait                            local
flex        acc                                 local
flex        stability                           local

int         dummy                               local

template    projectile=+bullet9mm               local
template    scope=+scopecam                     local

thing       player                              local
thing       weapthing                           local
thing       scopething                          local
int         trackID=-1                          local
int         reloadID=-1                         local
int         mode                                local
int         holsterTrack                        local
int         selectMode=1                        local
int         reloading                           local
int         clipsize                            local
int         chambered                           local
int         rounds                              local
int         firemodes                           local
int         canFire                             local
int         selector                            local
int         i                                   local
int         scopeOn                             local

vector      randvect                            local
template    weapdummy=+weapdummy                local
template    ldummy=+chdummy                     local

int         gunnum=7                            local
int         display=15                          local

message     startup
message     newplayer
message     pulse
message     killed
message     activated
message     deactivated
message     selected
message     deselected
message     autoselect
message     fire
message     timer
message     user0
message     user1


# ========================================================================================


   SetInv(player, 127, 1);
   SetInv(player, 115 + gunnum, 40);
   call setgun;

# ........................................................................................

   If(GetThingHealth(player) <= 0)
      If(weapThing != -1) DestroyThing(weapThing);
      weapThing = -1;
      SetThingCurGeoMode(weapThing, 0);
      If(GetInv(player, 127) == 3)
         scopething = FireProjectile(player, scope, -1, -1, '0 8.1 0', '0 0 0', 0,0,0,0);
      If(GetInv(player, 127) == 4)
         scopething = FireProjectile(player, scope, -1, -1, '0 12.1 0', '0 0 0', 0,0,0,0);
      SetThingPos(scopething, VectorAdd(GetThingPos(scopething), VectorScale(GetThingLVec(scopething), -.1)));
      If(GetCurrentCamera()) CycleCamera();
      SetCameraFocus(0, scopething);
      SetThingCurGeoMode(weapThing, 0);
   SetThingCurGeoMode(weapThing, GetThingGeoMode(weapThing));
   SetThingPos(weapThing, GetThingPos(player));
   dummy = FireProjectile(player, ldummy, -1, -1, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', 0,0,0,0);
   SetThingLook(weapThing, GetThingLvec(dummy));

# ........................................................................................

   scopeOn = 0;
   SetCameraFocus(0, player);

# ........................................................................................

   // Check that the player is still alive.
   if(GetThingHealth(player) <= 0)

   If(reloading) Return;
   If(!canFire) Return;

   // Check Ammo - If we are out, autoselect best weapon.
   if(GetInv(player, 115 + gunnum) < 1.0)
      PlaySoundThing(outSound, player, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x80);
      if(GetAutoSwitch() & 1)
         SelectWeapon(player, AutoSelectWeapon(player, 1));

   If(rounds <= 0)
      PlaySoundThing(outSound, player, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x80);

   SetPOVShake('0.0 0 0.0', '5 0 0', .05, 80.0);

   i = VectorLen(GetThingVel(player))*stability;
   randvect = VectorSet((.5-Rand())*(acc+i), (.5-Rand())*(acc+i), 0);
   If(IsThingCrouching(player)) randvect = VectorScale(randvect, .9);

   If(GetInv(player, 127) == 1)
      For(i=0; i<8; i=i+1)
         randvect = VectorSet((.5-Rand())*acc+(Rand()-.5)*5.5, (.5-Rand())*acc+(Rand()-.5)*5.5, 0);
         SendTrigger(-1, 10, 0.0135, 0.12, 0.01, 0);
         SendTrigger(-1, 11, player, projectile, VectorX(randvect), VectorY(randvect));
      SendTrigger(-1, 10, 0.0135, 0.12, 0.01, 0);
      SendTrigger(-1, 11, player, projectile, VectorX(randvect), VectorY(randvect));
   // SendTrigger(-1, 10, 0.0135, 0.09, 0.02, 0);
   // SendTrigger(-1, 12, player, case, 0, 0);
   PlayKey(weapThing, povFireAnim, 1, 0x1a);
   PlayMode(player, 8);
   PlaySoundThing(fireSound, player, 1, -1, -1, 0x80);
   If(scopeOn) PlaySoundLocal(fireSound, 1, 0, 0x80);
   ChangeInv(player, 115 + gunnum, -1);
   ChangeInv(player, display, -1);
   If(GetInv(player, 127) != 5)
      rounds = rounds - 1;
      SetInv(player, 14, rounds/clipsize*400);
   canFire = 0;
   ChangeFireRate(player, fireWait);


# ........................................................................................

   player = GetSourceRef();
   mode = GetSenderRef();

   If(reloading) Return;
   If(rounds <= 0)
      PlaySoundThing(outSound, player, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x80);
   If(!canFire) Return;

   If(GetInv(player, 127) == 3 || GetInv(player, 127) == 4)
      If(mode == 1)
         If(scopeOn) call scopeoff;
         Else scopeOn = 1;

   jkSetWaggle(player, '0.0 0.0 0.0', 0);

   powerBoost = GetInv(player, 63);
   ActivateWeapon( player, fireWait, mode );


# ........................................................................................

   player = GetSourceRef();
   mode = GetSenderRef();

   If(rounds <= 0)
      call reload;

   canFire = 1;

   jkSetWaggle(player, '10.0 7.0 0.0', 350);
   DeactivateWeapon( player, mode );


# ........................................................................................

   player = GetSourceRef();

   // Play external mounting animation
   PlayMode(player, 41);

   // Setup the meshes and models.
   weapThing = CreateThing(weapdummy, player);
   AttachThingToThingEx(weapThing, player, 0x8);
   SetThingModel(weapThing, povModel);
   SetArmedMode(player, 1);
   jkSetWeaponMesh(player, weaponMesh);

   // Play mounting sound.
   PlaySoundThing(mountSound, player, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0x80);

   // Play the animation (NOLOOP + UNIQUE + ENDPAUSE).
   // The animation is held at the last frame after it is played.
   trackID = PlayKey(weapThing, mountAnim, 0, 0x14);
   SetMountWait(player, GetKeyLen(mountAnim));

   // Clear saber flags, and allow activation of the weapon
   jkClearFlags(player, 0x5);
   SetCurWeapon(player, gunnum);

   // Check Ammo - If we are out, autoselect best weapon.
   if(GetInv(player, 115 + gunnum) < 1.0)
      PlaySoundThing(outSound, player, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x80);
      if(GetAutoSwitch() & 1)
         SelectWeapon(player, AutoSelectWeapon(player, 1));

   SetInv(player, display, GetInv(player, 115 + gunnum));
   reloading = 0;
   SetInv(player, 14, rounds/clipsize*400);
   If(rounds <= 0) call reload;
   canFire = 1;
   scopeOn = 0;


# ........................................................................................

   player = GetSourceRef();

   PlaySoundThing(dismountSound, player, 1.0, -1, -1, 0x80);
   PlayKey(weapThing, dismountAnim, 0, 0x12);

   holsterWait = GetKeyLen(holsterAnim);
   SetMountWait(player, holsterWait);
   holsterTrack = PlayKey(player, holsterAnim, 1, 0x4);
   SetTimerEx(holsterWait, 2, 0.0, 0.0);
   if (trackID != -1)
      StopKey(weapThing, trackID, 0);
      trackID = -1;
   jkSetWaggle(player, '0.0 0.0 0.0', 0);
   If(reloadID != -1)
      StopKey(weapThing, reloadID, 0);
      reloadID = -1;
   call scopeoff;


# ........................................................................................

   selectMode = GetSenderRef();
   player = GetSourceRef();

   // If the player has the weapon
   if(GetInv(player, 127) != 0.0)
      // If the player has ammo
      if(GetInv(player, 115 + gunnum) > 1.0)


# ........................................................................................

   If(GetSenderID() == 2)
      StopKey(player, holsterTrack, 0);
      If(weapThing != -1) DestroyThing(weapThing);
      weapThing = -1;
   If(GetSenderID() == 3)
      If(reloading == 2)
         If(reloadID != -1)
            StopKey(weapThing, reloadID, 0);
            reloadID = -1;
         reloading = 0;
      If(GetInv(player, 127) == 1)
         rounds = rounds + 1;
         SetInv(player, 14, rounds/8*400);
         If(GetInv(player, 122) > 1 && rounds < 8)
            PlaySoundThing(spas12reloadSound, player, 1, -1, -1, 0x80);
            SetMountWait(player, GetKeyLen(reloadAnim));
            SetTimerEx(GetKeyLen(reloadAnim), 3, 0, 0);
         If(reloadID != -1)
            StopKey(weapThing, reloadID, 0);
            reloadID = -1;
         reloading = 0;
      rounds = clipsize + chambered;
      If(GetInv(player, 115 + gunnum) < clipsize + chambered)
         rounds = GetInv(player, 115 + gunnum);
      SetInv(player, 14, rounds/clipsize*400);
      reloading = 0;
   If(GetSenderID() == 4 && GetParam(0) < 3)
      If(GetInv(player, 115 + gunnum) <= 0 || rounds <= 0) Return;
      If(GetThingHealth(player) <= 0) Return;
      randvect = VectorSet((.5-Rand())*acc*.8, (.5-Rand())*acc*.8, 0);
      If(IsThingCrouching(player)) randvect = VectorScale(randvect, .9);
      If(IsThingMoving(player)) randvect = VectorScale(randvect, VectorLen(GetThingVel(player))*stability + 1);
      PlayMode(player, 8);
      SendTrigger(-1, 10, 0.0135, 0.12, 0.01, 0);
      SendTrigger(-1, 11, player, projectile, VectorX(randvect), VectorY(randvect));
      // SendTrigger(-1, 10, 0.0135, 0.09, 0.02, 0);
      // SendTrigger(-1, 12, player, case, 0, 0);
      PlayKey(weapThing, povFireAnim, 1, 0x1a);
      PlaySoundThing(fireSound, player, 1, -1, -1, 0x80);
      ChangeInv(player, 115 + gunnum, -1);
      ChangeInv(player, display, -1);
      rounds = rounds - 1;
      SetInv(player, 14, rounds/clipsize*400);
      SetTimerEx(fireWait, 4, GetParam(0)+1, 0);

# ........................................................................................

   If(GetCurWeaponMode() != -1) Return;
   If(GetInv(player, 127) == 5) Return;
   call reload;

# ........................................................................................

   If(GetCurWeaponMode() != -1) Return;
   If(selector == 1)
      If(fireModes & 0x2) selector = 2;
      Else If(fireModes & 0x4) selector = 3;
   Else If(selector == 2)
      If(fireModes & 0x4) selector = 3;
      Else If(fireModes & 0x1) selector = 1;
   Else If(selector == 3)
      If(fireModes & 0x1) selector = 1;
      Else If(fireModes & 0x2) selector = 2;
   If(selector == 1) Print("Semi-Auto");
   If(selector == 2) Print("3 Round Burst");
   If(selector == 3) Print("Full-Auto");

# ........................................................................................

   If(GetThingHealth(player) <= 0) Return;
   If(!canFire) Return;
   If(GetInv(player, 127) == 5) Return;
      If(GetInv(player, 127) == 1) reloading = 2;
   call scopeoff;
   If(GetInv(player, 127) == 1)
      If(rounds >= 8) Return;
      reloading = 1;
      SetMountWait(player, GetKeyLen(reloadAnim));
      SetTimerEx(GetKeyLen(reloadAnim), 3, 0, 0);
      PlaySoundThing(spas12reloadSound, player, 1, -1, -1, 0x80);
      reloadID = PlayKey(weapThing, reloadAnim, 1, 0x0);
   If(GetInv(player, 127) != 2 && rounds > 0)
      chambered = 1;
   Else chambered = 0;
   reloading = 1;
   SetInv(player, 14, 0);
   SetMountWait(player, GetKeyLen(reloadAnim));
   SetTimerEx(GetKeyLen(chamberAnim[chambered]), 3, 0, 0);
   PlaySoundThing(chamberSound[chambered], player, 1, -1, -1, 0x80);
   PlayKey(weapThing, chamberAnim[chambered], 1, 0x2);

# ........................................................................................

   If(GetInv(player, 127) == 0)
      SetInv(player, gunnum, 0);
   SetInv(player, gunnum, 1);
   If(GetInv(player, 127) == 1) // SPAS12
      povModel = LoadModel("spasv.3do");
      weaponMesh = LoadModel("spas12g.3do");
      mountAnim = LoadKeyframe("spasVmnt.key");
      dismountAnim = LoadKeyframe("spasVdis.key");
      povfireAnim = LoadKeyframe("spasVpst1.key");
      reloadAnim = LoadKeyframe("spasvreload.key");
      fireSound = LoadSound("spas12_fire.wav");
      fireWait = 0.8;
      acc = 1.4;
      stability = 1.8; // number multiplied by movement
      fireModes = 0x1; // 0x1 S - 0x2 3RB - 0x4 F
      clipsize = 8;
      projectile = LoadTemplate("+shotgun");
   If(GetInv(player, 127) == 2) // HK69
      povModel = LoadModel("hk69v.3do");
      weaponMesh = LoadModel("hk69g.3do");
      mountAnim = LoadKeyframe("hk69Vmnt.key");
      dismountAnim = LoadKeyframe("hk69Vdis.key");
      povfireAnim = LoadKeyframe("hk69Vpst1.key");
      reloadAnim = LoadKeyframe("hk69Vreload.key");
      chamberAnim = LoadKeyframe("hk69Vreload.key");
      fireSound = LoadSound("grenade_fire.wav");
      fireWait = 0.1;
      acc = 1.7;
      stability = 3; // number multiplied by movement
      fireModes = 0x1; // 0x1 S - 0x2 3RB - 0x4 F
      clipsize = 1;
      projectile = LoadTemplate("+grenadeshot");
   If(GetInv(player, 127) == 3) // PSG1
      povModel = LoadModel("psg1v.3do");
      weaponMesh = LoadModel("g36kg.3do");
      mountAnim = LoadKeyframe("g3a3Vmnt.key");
      dismountAnim = LoadKeyframe("g3a3Vdis.key");
      povfireAnim = LoadKeyframe("g3a3Vpst1.key");
      reloadAnim = LoadKeyframe("g3a3Vmnt.key");
      chamberAnim = LoadKeyframe("g3a3Vmnt.key");
      fireSound = LoadSound("g3a3_fire.wav");
      fireWait = 0.1;
      acc = .015;
      stability = 8; // number multiplied by movement
      fireModes = 0x1; // 0x1 S - 0x2 3RB - 0x4 F
      clipsize = 10;
      projectile = LoadTemplate("+bullet772sniper");
   If(GetInv(player, 127) == 4) // M82A1
      povModel = LoadModel("m82a1v.3do");
      weaponMesh = LoadModel("f2000g.3do");
      mountAnim = LoadKeyframe("m82a1Vmnt.key");
      dismountAnim = LoadKeyframe("m82a1Vdis.key");
      povfireAnim = LoadKeyframe("m82a1Vpst1.key");
      reloadAnim = LoadKeyframe("m82a1Vmnt.key");
      chamberAnim = LoadKeyframe("m82a1Vmnt.key");
      fireSound = LoadSound("hk21_fire.wav");
      fireWait = 0.1;
      acc = .02;
      stability = 13; // number multiplied by movement
      fireModes = 0x1; // 0x1 S - 0x2 3RB - 0x4 F
      clipsize = 10;
      projectile = LoadTemplate("+bullet50cal");
   If(GetInv(player, 127) == 5) // RPG
      povModel = LoadModel("RPGv.3do");
      weaponMesh = LoadModel("f2000g.3do");
      mountAnim = LoadKeyframe("rpgVmnt.key");
      dismountAnim = LoadKeyframe("rpgVdis.key");
      povfireAnim = LoadKeyframe("rpgVpst1.key");
      reloadAnim = LoadKeyframe("rpgVmnt.key");
      chamberAnim = LoadKeyframe("rpgVmnt.key");
      fireSound = LoadSound("hk21_fire.wav");
      fireWait = 1;
      acc = .2;
      stability = 9; // number multiplied by movement
      clipsize = 1;
      fireModes = 0x1; // 0x1 S - 0x2 3RB - 0x4 F
      projectile = LoadTemplate("+rpg");
   If(fireModes & 0x4) selector = 3;
   Else selector = 1;
   rounds = clipsize + 1;
   If(GetInv(player, 127) <= 2) rounds = clipsize;


I am stumped, I'm hope someone has any suggestions or insight or a solution to this problem I have.
Major projects working on:
SATNRT, JK Pistol Mod, Aliens TC, Firearms

Judgement Day (HLP), My level pack
2005-05-26, 9:07 AM #2
Does the mod work now without crashing everyone's computers? :\
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2005-05-26, 12:20 PM #3
Same concept, different mod, its w/o the grabbing and such... So yes it does work.
Major projects working on:
SATNRT, JK Pistol Mod, Aliens TC, Firearms

Judgement Day (HLP), My level pack
2005-05-26, 2:05 PM #4
I remember you.... :p

It may have something to do with all those 'loadX' function calls.... :confused:
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2005-05-26, 6:35 PM #5
GBK! <3 Its good to see you. I tired that for the pistol cog, didn't think bout it for the HW cog since it was running fine before. :o Well, I'm working through different combinations, and it seems to be crashing on the keys, specifically the mounting and the non-shotgun animations and I can't figure out why. I've even tried it with it defined in static.jkl. :confused: Also, when I remove the pistol cog (fists) everything but HK69 reload animation works. *pounds head into wall getting annoyed at problem*

PS - it has no problem loading the keyframes, it has problems playing them.
Major projects working on:
SATNRT, JK Pistol Mod, Aliens TC, Firearms

Judgement Day (HLP), My level pack
2005-05-27, 6:30 AM #6
Okay, I know whats causing the crashes. Its the SetMountWait, and when the keyframes are -1, it crashs the game. However, I don't know whats causing the keys to return -1, though I have a couple of things I can try, none of them are cog related, unless someone can figure out why when just the pistol cog is added it doesn't work.
Major projects working on:
SATNRT, JK Pistol Mod, Aliens TC, Firearms

Judgement Day (HLP), My level pack
2005-05-27, 3:29 PM #7
Could you give us a list of the names of EVERY 3do, Key, and Wav that you have in the gob? Also doublecheck in PJed that hk69Vreload.key works with the hk69g.3do. It's possible that that one is just a bad key since the rest of the cog works.

It would be easier to debug if you could just upload this part of the mod. Otherwise, I'll try to take educated guesses for ya.
Sam: "Sir we can't call it 'The Enterprise'"
Jack: "Why not!"
2005-05-27, 3:35 PM #8
If anyone cares to see the mod, post your email and I'll ship it off.
Major projects working on:
SATNRT, JK Pistol Mod, Aliens TC, Firearms

Judgement Day (HLP), My level pack
2005-05-28, 6:43 AM #9
GBK, I hate you. :p It does seem to be that JK will only accept so many keyframes loaded by loadkeyframe()s, no matter when they are called. :( ie JK will only load a set amount of keyframes, and I'm 95% sure its independent of teh number of loadkeyframe()s called.
Major projects working on:
SATNRT, JK Pistol Mod, Aliens TC, Firearms

Judgement Day (HLP), My level pack

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