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ForumsCog Forum → force fields
force fields
2005-05-28, 12:29 PM #1
You know the Nar Shadaa multiplayer. How do you get the cog for the force field operated by a switch?
I remembered the cog name. m2_ffieldswitch.cog. When i come to add a cog its not there. (JK Edit)
2005-05-29, 7:10 AM #2
Use JED! It will show where it is.

It is in the JK1MP.GOB

You will have to extract it into your project. When using JED, always click on "Edit COG" to make sure it does extract into the project COG folder. In JKEdit, I'm not sure, but I think you'll have to do it manually.


Edward's Cognative Hazards
2005-05-29, 7:22 AM #3
Just a tidbit, Jed comes with the JKTree plugin, which does all the resource organizing for you... (i.e. It puts models in the 3do folder, cogs in the cog folder, etc)
I went for a long time without knowing that... that's information you shouldn't have to dig around in separate help files/readme's for. >=(
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2005-05-29, 8:14 AM #4
I cant get to grips with JED... Is there a way of editing a level as if you were on JKedit...
I kinda know how to Use JED...
2005-05-30, 12:23 AM #5
There is no way to make JED work like JKEdit (fortunately!). I suggest you spend a day or two with the basics (found here on the front page) and some basic tutorials about cleaving/extruding and the like. Once you get a hold on JED, you will never want to go back to...lesser things.
I have yet to see a better map editing program for portal based rendering engines.
"Häb Pfrässe, süsch chlepfts!" - The coolest language in the world (besides Cherokee)

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