Yes, I am at the mercy of the almighty Cog forum once more!
Just to provide the relevant information, I' working on a Jedi Knight Arena level at the moment called "Basilica" which can be found out about in the Showcase forum here.
It is currently in the beta testing stages. I have a page over at the JK Editing Hub, with a bug report - check it out at this link.
Now, I seem to be having troubles with the cogs. ZeqMacaw and JAS_Palidori, kindly pointed out several. Perhaps someone could help me set them up correctly by downloading my level and opening it up in JED, because that would be so much easier than trying to describe things over a forum. The level is available for download here:§ion=download
Here are the cog-related things giving me trouble according to my Beta-Testers (and myself):
Here's more of a request by Paladori and myself:
So pretty much (for the above), I just need a cog that flickers all the level lights in the arena ONLY (not the lobby) on and off for a moment every 15 seconds or so.
Here are some things I noticed:
Here's the specatator camera cog:
Finally, Would it be easier for people if I uloaded an un-gobbed version of my level so that the .tpl would remain intact?
Please get back to me on tihs one guys. Thanks!

Just to provide the relevant information, I' working on a Jedi Knight Arena level at the moment called "Basilica" which can be found out about in the Showcase forum here.
It is currently in the beta testing stages. I have a page over at the JK Editing Hub, with a bug report - check it out at this link.
Now, I seem to be having troubles with the cogs. ZeqMacaw and JAS_Palidori, kindly pointed out several. Perhaps someone could help me set them up correctly by downloading my level and opening it up in JED, because that would be so much easier than trying to describe things over a forum. The level is available for download here:§ion=download
Here are the cog-related things giving me trouble according to my Beta-Testers (and myself):
- The weapon selection switches operate correctly, but do not affect weapons used in the arena.
- Each player starts with a bryar and a saber in setup room, and can kill each other. This should not be.
- ...the game quits back to JK menus on the first kill.
- Each player starts with a bryar and a saber in setup room, and can kill each other. This should not be.
- ...the game quits back to JK menus on the first kill.
Here's more of a request by Paladori and myself:
- some kind of 'flash' cog , so u hear the lightning, and could see the light flicker in level
So pretty much (for the above), I just need a cog that flickers all the level lights in the arena ONLY (not the lobby) on and off for a moment every 15 seconds or so.
Here are some things I noticed:
-There seem to be some issues with the dynamic lighting flickering. I don't know how to fix tihs (GBK's cog always seems to mess things up for me).
- The spectator camera cog that Quib Mask made for me, doesn't seem to work again, am I setting it up wrong?
- The spectator camera cog that Quib Mask made for me, doesn't seem to work again, am I setting it up wrong?
Here's the specatator camera cog:
# Jedi Knight Cog Script # # qm_spectator.cog # # Let's a player spectate other players by activating a switch. # # [QM] # # (C) 1997 LucasArts Entertainment Co. All Rights Reserved flags=0x240 symbols surface spectate_button thing player=-1 local thing victim=-1 local thing camera=-1 local template camera_tpl=ghost local int pcount=-1 local int camera_sig=-1 local vector player_dir local vector player_loc local message activated message pulse message removed end # ================================================== ====================================== code activated: player = GetSourceRef(); player_dir = GetThingLVec(player); player_loc = GetThingPos(player); ClearActorFlags(player, 0x1); SetActorFlags(player, 0x840000); pcount = pcount + 1; if(pcount >= GetNumPlayers()) { pcount = -1; call stop_cam; Return; } if(GetPlayerThing(pcount) == player) { call activated; Return; } if(camera == -1) { camera = CreateThing(camera_tpl, player); camera_sig = GetThingSignature(camera); CaptureThing(camera); } else { DetachThing(camera); } victim = GetPlayerThing(pcount); TeleportThing(camera, victim); AttachThingToThingEx(camera, victim, 0x8); SetCameraFocus(1, camera); SetPulse(0.01); Return; # ........................................................................................ pulse: if(IsThingCrouching(player)) { call stop_cam; Return; } if(!(VectorDist(GetThingPos(player), player_loc) == 0)) { call stop_cam; Return; } if(!(VectorDist(GetThingLVec(player), player_dir) == 0)) SetThingLook(player, player_dir); SetCurrentCamera(1); Return; # ........................................................................................ removed: if(GetSenderRef() != camera) Return; SetCameraFocus(1, player); Return; # ........................................................................................ stop_cam: SetPulse(0); SetActorFlags(player, 0x1); ClearActorFlags(player, 0x840000); SetCameraFocus(1, player); if(GetThingSignature(camera) == camera_sig) DestroyThing(camera); camera = -1; CycleCamera(); CycleCamera(); Return; end
Finally, Would it be easier for people if I uloaded an un-gobbed version of my level so that the .tpl would remain intact?
Please get back to me on tihs one guys. Thanks!