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2005-06-07, 7:32 PM #1
For GetCurrentCamera(), there's more than just Internal mode (0) and External Mode (1).

All known camera modes:
0 - Internal
1 - External
4 - Idle (Circling Kyle)
5 - Death Cam

cams 2 and 3 might exist, but I can't imagine what they might be. I'll test and see what they are, if anything.
Camera modes 2 and 3 crash when you try to change to them.

There is apparently a mode 6 of some sort... the screen freezes and acts like HOM (the only 'HOM' I managed to get was text messages overlapping each other due to JK not refreshing the screen; the overlay map (tab key) might cause it too, I didn't think to try it). The camera might have been outside the level 1 area, because I could still hear bryarbolt impacts (like I was some distance away). But all in all, I think this camera is probably totally useless, which is why I won't add it to the list above.

I also tried cam modes 7-10, but they do nothing, so I assume there are no other working cam modes.

Hopefully this info might help someone... Descent_Pilot I think was going to make a modified death camera thing in his pistol mod wasn't he? This could possibly simplify things for him. (or maybe it won't but it's still nice to know)

Also, if you set the camera to mode 4, JK changes to the idle camera, as one would expect, but JK also acts as if it is idle mode -- that is, it will go back to mode 0 or 1 when you move, press a hotkey, etc. (if you're in mode 5 and go to mode 4, it goes to mode 1 when you move/press a hotkey).
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2005-06-08, 7:11 AM #2
Excellent find! :D
-Hell Raiser
2005-06-08, 8:49 AM #3
Nice find man! :eek: Too bad we can't make mode 4 stay until we want it to go away. I wonder if the 'frozen player' flags would work. Like say change to mode 4, then freeze the player, then release on a timer. We could possibly make this work for a matrix-like cam. Like on a 'kill' saber attack, fire the projectile, play the key separate. If it hits, run the cam and freeze the controls, allowing the player to see a cool spin cam, then unfreeze with Sleep(GetKeyLen(saber_kill_key));

What do you think?

Question 2: Can you move in mode 5, or does the death cam freeze the player?
-There are easier things in life than finding a good woman, like nailing Jello to a tree, for instance

2005-06-08, 11:37 AM #4
Ohh! Ohh! Jedi Kombat!
Kyle beats Jerec... rahn goes "Finish Him!"
Freezeplayer and set to cam 4
Kyle does an awesome saber finishing move in slowmo
that would be cool :)

Oh, yeah, mode 5 works just like the mode 0 and 1 cameras -- you can move, shoot, etc just the same, and won't exit out of mode 5. The only difference is you can't CycleCamera() to mode 5 -- you have to get to it by SetCurrentCamera(5)
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2005-06-08, 12:28 PM #5
Originally posted by Tazz
Like on a 'kill' saber attack, fire the projectile, play the key separate.

You do know the saber doesn't fire projectiles, but actually looks for collisions with the blade to do damage right?

Anyway, the finds on the camera is wonderful. I'm gonna play with it while I do some more bug smashing in Basilica this afternoon.

2005-06-08, 12:40 PM #6
This is cool, Darth Slaw.

I will list it in my DM updates to send to SaberMaster.

2005-06-08, 6:31 PM #7
I had suspected this, just hadn't gotten around to testing. I figured there must be more modes, because of the way a particular camera cog was acting. (It checked for 0 and 1, and switched to a third mode appropriately... On idle / death, the camera acted funky.) Saves me time :)
_ _ _____________ _ _
Wolf Moon
Cast Your Spell On Me
The Woods At Night
The Wolf Has Come
2005-06-08, 7:06 PM #8
Here's camera 5 in action:

Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2005-06-08, 7:43 PM #9
VERY cool. If we could use this for a matrix style move, it'd be awesome.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-06-09, 8:41 AM #10
Here's another q:

Does cam 5 rotate with the player, or does the yaw stay static?
-There are easier things in life than finding a good woman, like nailing Jello to a tree, for instance

2005-06-09, 9:39 AM #11
No, it stays static a certain distance from the player, no matter where the player moves.
2005-06-11, 5:33 PM #12
A most interesting discovery - kudos Slaw :). I see Grismath is already putting it to good use ;)

"lucky_jackpot is the smily god..." -gothicX
"Life is mostly froth and bubble, but two things stand in stone,
Kindness in another's trouble, courage in your own"
- "Ye Wearie Wayfarer"
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2005-06-11, 10:07 PM #13
Hmm, about that Matrix thing...I'll just point out that ParseArg("move","none") results in the player being completely frozen in current frame of animation. You can't shoot, move, and all controls are frozen, even escape to the menu and chat if I recall correctly. It would probably work on a timer, but within that time, the game would be frozen.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2005-06-12, 12:55 AM #14
I was thinking along the lines of:

SetActorFlags(player, frozen flags);
killanim = PlayKey(player, saberkill);
FireProjectile(deadly projectile);
ClearActorFlags(player, frozen flags);

I know that's not exactly right, but hey, I haven't coded in 2 or so years. After clearing the actor flags, you wouldn't really have to switch cams since moving would do it automatically.
-There are easier things in life than finding a good woman, like nailing Jello to a tree, for instance

2005-06-12, 1:45 AM #15
Dumb questions: When you set camera to 4, do the idle keys start, and what does it look like when you offset the First Person cam backwards a bit? You see fists and a saber? You like that?
2005-06-13, 3:03 PM #16
Switching to cam 4 via cog will not start the idle keys.

The only way to offset the internal cam and still see the first person weapon model is to use ParseArg(player, "eyeoffset=(x/y/z)"); (changing the x y and z values)
Setting the camera to an object other than the player for 1st person camera will render as in 3rd person -- it will render the player model (like kyle) instead of the internal weapon model (you know how the kyle model is invisible to you in 1st person, aka no legs? well now kyle will be visible)
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2005-06-13, 5:04 PM #17
SetPOVShake(VectorSet(X, Y, Z), VectorSet(0, 0, 0), 0, 0);
will also let you offset the internal camera and still keep the weapon model. Y is the important value, as you can simulate zooming in/out.

SetPOVShake(VectorSet(0, 0, 0), VectorSet(0, 0, 0), 0, 0);
will reset your view back to where it is by default.

2005-06-15, 1:50 PM #18
Ohhh :eek:
I'm gonna try this out!

I for one think that's worth a mention in the DM as well... obvious, but overlooked (anyone else have that tendency to think too hard and miss the simple things? :p)
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2005-06-15, 8:37 PM #19
It actually is mentioned in the DM. Look up SetPOVShake and read the notes at the bottom. It doesn't suggest using SetPOVShake for zooming purposes, but it does mention that setting the reset speed values to 0 will keep the camera at altered coordinates.

2005-06-15, 8:52 PM #20
Oh, well then my wish is granted ;)
(Obviously I've never looked up that verb before :rolleyes: )
May the mass times acceleration be with you.

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