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ForumsCog Forum → Wherabouts of OLD cog
Wherabouts of OLD cog
2005-06-12, 1:28 AM #1
It was in Warlords, a long past JK mod. Or wait... There was another one.. Mabey it was that one... Can't remember it's name. Anyway, it just set the player up with different abilities (I think by equipping him with different items and weapons) based on the 3do he was. I'm sure it's easy to do, but if anyone has that cog or one like it, I'd sure appreciate tossin' it my way. And if not, thanks for readin'!;)
2005-06-12, 2:11 AM #2
If you want to write it yourself, here is how it basically works:


model3d   model0=ky.3do
model3d   model1=krugon.3do
model3d   model2=jerec.3do

message   startup



# Check for all models...
for(i = 0; i < "numberOfModels"; i = i + 1)
   # If player has the current model...
   if(GetThingModel(GetLocalPlayerThing()) == model0)
      # Give him stuff...
      SetInv(GetLocalPlayerThing(), bin, amount);


This is not a working cog, but you should get the idea.
"Häb Pfrässe, süsch chlepfts!" - The coolest language in the world (besides Cherokee)
2005-06-12, 2:36 AM #3
Yes, that helps tremendously, thanks! I really want that cog, though. Admittedly, I think that's mostly nostalgia.:p
2005-06-12, 4:31 AM #4
I suggest you get the mod and extract the cog, then.
"Häb Pfrässe, süsch chlepfts!" - The coolest language in the world (besides Cherokee)
2005-06-12, 2:32 PM #5
Probally some mod that is more RPG styled, with "classes" sorta like MotS.

Zagibu's cog is right on, I don't know if you know any cog or not but you could easily modify it to do exactly what you want it to do.

2005-06-13, 5:06 AM #6
It was never finished or released. It was a fighting game mod.
2005-06-13, 3:05 PM #7
Another great example of this technique is the Rangi mod for JK.
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2005-06-13, 5:16 PM #8
You'll probably want to throw a sleep in just after "startup:"; JK doesn't set your selected player model instantly and needs a second before it switches to the model you chose. A whole second is enough, maybe even a half second.

2005-06-15, 1:39 PM #9
I usually use Sleep(0.1)
This small sleep still expires after the first ingame frame is rendered and all stuffs are set by JK

Just a small bit of info I can provide concerning startup...
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2005-06-17, 1:03 AM #10
My thanks for your attention.

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