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ForumsCog Forum → MOTS Cutscene
MOTS Cutscene
2005-06-20, 1:26 PM #1
HI, it's me again. I've gone back over my cutscene cog and re-written it from scratch. I still have the same problem. The object disappears, but no explosions are generated. Help please!

BTW, it's a mots STYLE cutscene, but it's made for basic JK

#	A cutscene cog
#	camera moves around object, then object blows up
#	after destruction, the level ends


thing        bomber                                                           
template     explosion                                                        
thing        exp1                                                             
thing        exp2                                                             
thing        camera0                            desc=camera0                  

int          player                             local                         
int          active=0                           local                         
int          CamNum=0                           local                         
int          TotalCams=1                                                      

message      startup                                                          

thing        actor1                                                           

int          waittime1=6                                                      
int          waittime2=3                                                      


# *************************


   if(active) Return;
   active = 1;

   player = GetSourceRef();

   if(player == GetLocalPlayerThing())        
   {StopThing(player);  //this stops kyle
	SetActorFlags(player, 0xa00000);  //this sets his flags to not moving

      SetCameraFocus(0, camera0);   
	Print("CutScene 1");   
	Print("Let's end this");
	CreateThing(explosion, exp1);
	CreateThing(explosion, exp2);
	ClearActorFlags(player, 0xa00000);     ////Returns kyle to normal

	SetCameraFocus(0, player);    //Return view to kyle's 
	active = 0;

   jkendlevel(1);  //Ends the level


I've got a website. It's at Geocities because I'm too cheap to get my own site.
2005-06-20, 3:04 PM #2
My guess is, the CreateThing() verb is not what you want to use (I can't imagine why it's not creating explosions :confused: )
Replace your CreateThing lines with these ones below and see if that works

FireProjectile(exp1, explosion, -1, -1, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', 0, 0, 0, 0);
FireProjectile(exp2, explosion, -1, -1, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', 0, 0, 0, 0);
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2005-06-20, 4:06 PM #3
Problem solved! I had the explosion template set as _explosion :rolleyes:
I've got a website. It's at Geocities because I'm too cheap to get my own site.

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