HI, it's me again. I've gone back over my cutscene cog and re-written it from scratch. I still have the same problem. The object disappears, but no explosions are generated. Help please!
BTW, it's a mots STYLE cutscene, but it's made for basic JK
BTW, it's a mots STYLE cutscene, but it's made for basic JK
# A cutscene cog # camera moves around object, then object blows up # after destruction, the level ends flags=0x240 symbols thing bomber template explosion thing exp1 thing exp2 thing camera0 desc=camera0 int player local int active=0 local int CamNum=0 local int TotalCams=1 message startup thing actor1 int waittime1=6 int waittime2=3 end # ************************* code startup: if(active) Return; active = 1; player = GetSourceRef(); if(player == GetLocalPlayerThing()) {StopThing(player); //this stops kyle SetActorFlags(player, 0xa00000); //this sets his flags to not moving SetCameraFocus(0, camera0); Print("CutScene 1"); Sleep(waittime1); MoveToFrame(Camera0,1,10.0); sleep(waittime2); MoveToFrame(Camera0,2,20); Print("Let's end this"); Sleep(4); CreateThing(explosion, exp1); CreateThing(explosion, exp2); destroything(bomber); sleep(3); ClearActorFlags(player, 0xa00000); ////Returns kyle to normal SetCameraFocus(0, player); //Return view to kyle's SetCurrentCamera(old_camera); active = 0; jkendlevel(1); //Ends the level } Return; end
I've got a website. It's at Geocities because I'm too cheap to get my own site.