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ForumsCog Forum → Why on earth dosen't this work...
Why on earth dosen't this work...
2005-06-22, 7:44 AM #1
# Jedi Knight Cog Script
# INVENTORY Script - Field Light
# [CYW & YB]
# (C) 1997 LucasArts Entertainment Co. All Rights Reserved


thing       player
int         actorFlags

message     activated
message     pulse
message     killed

sound       lightActivate=activate04.wav
sound       lightDeactivate=deactivate04.wav

int mode=0 local



   player = GetSourceRef();
   mode = mode + 1;
   if(mode > 3) mode = 0;
   if (mode == 1)
   SetActorExtraSpeed(player, 1);
   Print("Speed 1");
   else if(mode == 2)
   SetActorExtraSpeed(player, 2);
   Print("Speed 2");
   else if(mode == 3)  
   SetActorExtraSpeed(player, 3);
   Print("Speed 3");



When I add the SetActorExtraSpeed() lines, it dosen't work. It works fine without them though.

Any ideas? This seems quite strange...

2005-06-22, 11:19 AM #2
Put braces (aka curley brackets) around the code for each if statement, like so :)

   player = GetSourceRef();
   mode = mode + 1;
   if(mode > 3) mode = 0;
   if (mode == 1)
      SetActorExtraSpeed(player, 1);
      Print("Speed 1");
   else if(mode == 2)
      SetActorExtraSpeed(player, 2);
      Print("Speed 2");
   else if(mode == 3)  
      SetActorExtraSpeed(player, 3);
      Print("Speed 3");

May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2005-06-22, 1:56 PM #3
Yeah, if you wanna do more than one command in an if block, you need to enclose it in { }. Same counts for while, etc., I guess.
"Häb Pfrässe, süsch chlepfts!" - The coolest language in the world (besides Cherokee)
2005-06-22, 7:46 PM #4
Incase you want to know WHY that caused it, the else statement was looking for an if statement, but instead found the print. If you use the brackets {}, then the end bracket will reference the else statement back to the if(). Otherwise, it doesn't know what "else" to do with the print :)
Sam: "Sir we can't call it 'The Enterprise'"
Jack: "Why not!"
2005-06-23, 10:55 AM #5
Wow, I didn't know JK read curly brackets.

Thanks everyone.


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