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ForumsCog Forum → What If() Statement...
What If() Statement...
2005-06-22, 8:09 AM #1
What If() statement do I need to determine if a player is in the air? (I.E. Fell off a ledge, Jumping)


2005-06-22, 11:11 AM #2
I think that should cover everything...
if(!((GetAttachFlags(player) & 0x1) || (GetAttachFlags(player) & 0x2)) && !(GetSectorFlags(GetThingSector(player)) & 0x2) )

The stuff highlighted green checks to make sure you're not underwater (judging by the force jump cog, checking the attach flags would work fine except if you're underwater -- you're not attached to anything, but you're also not in the air)

[edit] had one too many parenthases... :o fixed
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2005-06-23, 10:53 AM #3

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