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ForumsCog Forum → Is there any way to prevent Force Jump...
Is there any way to prevent Force Jump...
2005-06-26, 5:52 PM #1
... from jumping when the player is in a pool of water and at the surface of the water...?

2005-06-26, 7:02 PM #2
Perhaps GetMajorMode helps you.
2005-06-26, 7:29 PM #3
If you can edit the force_jump.cog (I don't know if you're trying to avoid doing this) there's an if statement checking for if the player is on a water surface (checks to see if the physics flag 0x100000 is set) -- delete it, and the player won't be able to jump when in water.
May the mass times acceleration be with you.
2005-06-26, 11:32 PM #4
Thanx Guys! You rock...!


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