Lord Kage: your technique works, but it is only applicable to MotS add-on levels/mods ;).
In my humble opinion, the interaction between AI files (most noticably "alignment=-1|0|1" and the instinct "LookForOpposingTarget", which finds anything that doesn't correspond with the AI's current "alignment" value) to be one of the better improvements over the JK engine.
This seems to be as good an opportunity to plug
AI Builder, which was released over at the Hub ;). It aids editors with building AI files for your actors
Another option, if you're limited to just JK, could be possibly to have an array of opposing templates setup in your cog and when checking for a valid target for your actor, make sure that it
isn't the player and that the thing in view's template
matches one of the templates that you specified as an "enemy/opposing force" :). You'd have to stream-line the code a little bit to make it effective (and maybe even the actor cog itself, depending on how "spruced up" you want the effect to be, but you get the gist...
Hope this information helps