Hello all. By posting this, I am aware that I may sound ridiculous and idiotic as I am trying to edit COG in my level when I have very little experience in that matter. That said, you are warned.
I have two issues.
1. For my level Jedi Headquarters, I am currently adding some Jedi AI that walk around the level. I decided to use the Pedestrian COG/PUP/AI/SND that I modified to my liking. Things are going well, the Jedi can jump, roam, run, swim BUT they run like sissies when damaged. I wanted to change that so that instead of fleeing, the take out their lightsaber and fight. My idea is to use AISetClass() in the Pedestrian COG to change the Pedestrian AI to a Darkjedi AI that I will modify. Is that a good idea?
Here is the modified code from the Pedestrian COG: (I may look stupid, it's my first try.)
Is that any good? Or it's completely wrong?
2. I also wanted to change the power-up drops from the Pedestrians (Shields and Batteries) to Lightsabers. So, I changed:
To this:
Sadly, Shields and Batteries still show up when I kill the Jedi. Any help on this? Am I yet again completely wrong?
I have two issues.
1. For my level Jedi Headquarters, I am currently adding some Jedi AI that walk around the level. I decided to use the Pedestrian COG/PUP/AI/SND that I modified to my liking. Things are going well, the Jedi can jump, roam, run, swim BUT they run like sissies when damaged. I wanted to change that so that instead of fleeing, the take out their lightsaber and fight. My idea is to use AISetClass() in the Pedestrian COG to change the Pedestrian AI to a Darkjedi AI that I will modify. Is that a good idea?
Here is the modified code from the Pedestrian COG: (I may look stupid, it's my first try.)
# ======================================================================================== code damaged: StopSound(sound, 0); damage = GetParam(0); if(GetParam(1) == 16) { damage = (damage * 2.0); } ReturnEx(damage); AISetClass(me, yun.ai); return; # ....................................................................................
Is that any good? Or it's completely wrong?
2. I also wanted to change the power-up drops from the Pedestrians (Shields and Batteries) to Lightsabers. So, I changed:
template powerup1=+DHealthPack local template powerup2=+DShield local template powerup3=+DBattery local
To this:
template powerup1=lightsaber local template powerup2=lightsaber local template powerup3=lightsaber local
Sadly, Shields and Batteries still show up when I kill the Jedi. Any help on this? Am I yet again completely wrong?
Skateboarding is not a crime.