There's some error I keep running into that will kill JK when I have more than 1 bot in the level (I can add cogs and such in Jed for as many as I care, but only 1 can exist in JK at a time or it locks up)
I've never had this happen before. I thought at first maybe it was the level that was messing it up (or a custon nav cog I made), but it happens with all the "factory" rbots resources as well, and even in a simple dflt box with some ghost objects for the nodes.
I've never had this happen before. I thought at first maybe it was the level that was messing it up (or a custon nav cog I made), but it happens with all the "factory" rbots resources as well, and even in a simple dflt box with some ghost objects for the nodes.
May the mass times acceleration be with you.