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ForumsCog Forum → MotS: Autoreseting of players model in multiplayer? How can this be defeated.
MotS: Autoreseting of players model in multiplayer? How can this be defeated.
2005-08-05, 6:37 AM #1
This "feature" along with the water handling change in MotS aggravates me to no end. Any ideas how to break it? I suppose it could be done with another hacked executable but that is beyond my skill. I can't think of an elegant way to do it through cog either.
-El Scorcho

"Its dodgeball time!" -Stormy Waters
2005-08-05, 5:09 PM #2
Could you explain the autoresetting player model issue? I've not worked with MotS much.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2005-08-05, 5:24 PM #3
In multiplayer, if you change the players model to anything other than the model selected in the multiplayer characters screen, it will be reset after a few seconds. This is done automatically by the engine AFAIK, I haven't found any code that does it anyway.
-El Scorcho

"Its dodgeball time!" -Stormy Waters
2005-08-05, 5:42 PM #4
You could probably use a damaged: message to filter out impact damage if the player is in a water sector/on the surface of water, but it's unlikely that it'd make it exactly like how JK does it.

As for the models, if you must use modified (after starting) player models, a pulse with:
if(GetThingModel(player) != newModel) SetThingModel(player, newModel);
is probably your best bet. Why the if statement? It's probably slightly more network traffic friendly, as I'm not sure if your computer would pass the SetThingModel() verb every time it was called if you just spam it (as opposed to just when there's a change).

2005-08-05, 6:12 PM #5
I'm not sure what you're refering to on impact damage in water...I guess I hadn't noticed that. I was refering to how if you fall into the water you shoot way down deep in.

Now that I think about it...doesn't the player send a splash message when he enters the water? I could probably use that and some sort of reverse force application to undo the effect.

A fast pulse doesn't seem very elegant...even if I ran it locally I'd imagine it'd have a slight flicker. Plus, it would probably screw up some ideas I have using amputatejoint.
-El Scorcho

"Its dodgeball time!" -Stormy Waters
2005-08-05, 6:21 PM #6
I misunderstood which water issue you were talking about. Yes, you could use the splash message to apply some sort of counter-thrust (or maybe just kill the player's velocity altogether?). Another thing different between JK and MotS is that you can take falling damage in water (in MotS). If you fall 200 feet into a stream you'll still die (in JK you won't get hurt at all). I suppose it's more "realistic" but I always thought it was a good gameplay element in JK.

2005-08-05, 6:27 PM #7
Yeah, the water is retarded in MotS...but that model thing is even more annoying.
-El Scorcho

"Its dodgeball time!" -Stormy Waters
2005-08-06, 1:44 AM #8
[QUOTE=El Scorcho]Now that I think about it...doesn't the player send a splash message when he enters the water? I could probably use that and some sort of reverse force application to undo the effect.[/QUOTE]I've written a cog for a guy once using the splash message in kyle.cog. But he wanted to have MotS water in JK :). What I did was just scale the player's velocity vector. I remember a small problem with leaving water sectors (splash might be called then, too, not sure anymore), so you might want to check if the VectorZ is negative, too.
"Häb Pfrässe, süsch chlepfts!" - The coolest language in the world (besides Cherokee)
2005-08-07, 11:33 AM #9
[QUOTE=Quib Mask]As for the models, if you must use modified (after starting) player models, a pulse with:
if(GetThingModel(player) != newModel) SetThingModel(player, newModel);
is probably your best bet.[/QUOTE]

Nope, that doesn't work, GetThingModel in MotS will always return the template model. That's why in AotL I had players manually indicate which model they chose in the character building screen so that I could load the correct saber hilt.

And as for the autoreset, it's an engine thing, nothing you can do about it other than force a pulse.
Dreams of a dreamer from afar to a fardreamer.

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