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ForumsCog Forum → AtttachThingtoThingEx
2005-08-07, 2:10 PM #1

I've used this attachthingtothingEx successfully before to attach a 3do with angVelocity to a ghost thing that moved on a path from one frame to another frame. What i got was a forever repeating and spinning tunnel.

But now I am finding that AttachThngtoThingEx only seems to be upadting the position and not the pitch yaw & roll of the base object. Is this so? Or is there a specific flag I need to set?

Also I was curious to find that at about 137 attached things (to one base) Jedi Knight gives up and crashes.
2005-08-08, 10:25 AM #2
The relative position will never change. That will stay as it is in global coordinates. (If you attached say a stormtrooper to behind kyle, it would stay where it is in relation. If kyle simply rotated, the position of the stormtrooper would not change. That's something that would have to be done manually). Now, if you wanted the stormtrooper to rotate in the same manner as kyle (on it's own Z-axis), there is a flag to do that. 0x2, I believe.
_ _ _____________ _ _
Wolf Moon
Cast Your Spell On Me
The Woods At Night
The Wolf Has Come
2005-08-08, 7:52 PM #3
Ok, I guess I can't really do what I wanted with Attachthingtothingex.

I did try an 0x2 flag and the attached object didn't spin with the base object. It didn't move at all. There must be some template requirements for attached things to act properly.

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