Is there a quicky easy way to do this in cog? I'm rusty and just touching up an old cog and don't feel like downloading anything to check it out.
facepos = GetThingPos(dummy);
dir = VectorScale(VectorSub(facepos, GetThingPos(victim)), ABS(GetThingMass(victim) - distance));
I do want to know the answer to that for future reference, but now I just need an idea on how to make something accellerate faster the closer it gets to it's target. I expect answers when I return (or I'll have to do it myself and that'll take 5 minutes of my precious time)
facepos = GetThingPos(dummy);
dir = VectorScale(VectorSub(facepos, GetThingPos(victim)), ABS(GetThingMass(victim) - distance));
I do want to know the answer to that for future reference, but now I just need an idea on how to make something accellerate faster the closer it gets to it's target. I expect answers when I return (or I'll have to do it myself and that'll take 5 minutes of my precious time)