I am working on this cog right now but I have one bug that I haven't been able to work out.
The cog is supposed to activate a forcefield at the activation of a switch, heal and recharge the shields of the player that activated the switch, sleep while healing and the forcefield is on and then deactivating the the healing and the forcefield, with a delay afterward preventing the switch from being activated too soon. It works fine but if you activate the switch during the delay after it still heals you. I have tried to counter this with an if else statement regarding to the ajoinflags but it doesn't seem to work. I'm sorry if that didn't make sense. It would be great to have some tips. I am a beggining cogger so I don't know a way to counter this problem even though it should have a simple solution.
here it is (It is a modified version of 00_DUALFORCEFIELD.COG in the cog section of Massassi)
The cog is supposed to activate a forcefield at the activation of a switch, heal and recharge the shields of the player that activated the switch, sleep while healing and the forcefield is on and then deactivating the the healing and the forcefield, with a delay afterward preventing the switch from being activated too soon. It works fine but if you activate the switch during the delay after it still heals you. I have tried to counter this with an if else statement regarding to the ajoinflags but it doesn't seem to work. I'm sorry if that didn't make sense. It would be great to have some tips. I am a beggining cogger so I don't know a way to counter this problem even though it should have a simple solution.
here it is (It is a modified version of 00_DUALFORCEFIELD.COG in the cog section of Massassi)
symbols surface switch desc=switch mask=0x408 surface forcefield1 desc=forcefld1 mask=0x408 surface forcefield2 desc=forcefld2 mask=0x408 surface forcefield3 desc=forcefld3 mask=0x408 surface forcefield4 desc=forcefld4 mask=0x408 thing player local thing powerupspot template poweruptemp flex time_on=5.0 desc=time_on flex delay=10 desc=delay int field_is_on=0 local int shields local flex maxDamage=10.0 local flex minDamage=5.0 local flex dmg=0.0 local int ff_sound local int ffd_sound local int dummy local sound on_snd=set_hi2.wav local sound off_snd=lgclick1.wav local sound forcefield_snd=ForceFieldHum01.WAV local sound ffdamage_snd=ForceFieldHit01.WAV local flex healspeed=.2 flex healammount=1 flex currenttime local flex oldtime1=0 local flex oldtime2=0 local flex oldtime3=0 local flex oldtime4=0 local int dodamage=0 local int sourceRef=-1 local int senderRef=-1 local int lock_touched=0 local message startup message activated message pulse message touched message timer end # ======================================================================================== code startup: SetFaceGeoMode(forcefield1, 0); // GEOMETRY_NONE (don't draw the face) SetFaceGeoMode(forcefield2, 0); SetFaceGeoMode(forcefield3, 0); SetFaceGeoMode(forcefield4, 0); SetWallCel(switch, 1); Return; # ........................................................................................ activated: if(GetAdjoinFlags(forcefield1) = 7) { setPulse(healspeed); } else { setPulse(0); } if(field_is_on == 0) { field_is_on = 1; // Center the sound on the switch ff_sound = PlaySoundPos(forcefield_snd, SurfaceCenter(forcefield1), 1.0, -1, -1, 0x41); // SetFaceGeoMode(forcefield1, 5); // GEOMETRY_FULL (draw the face) // SetFaceGeoMode(forcefield2, 5); // SetFaceGeoMode(forcefield3, 5); // SetFaceGeoMode(forcefield4, 5); // Switched to a solid material, this gives // MUCH more efficient translucency SetFaceGeoMode(forcefield1, 4); // GEOMETRY_SOLID SetFaceGeoMode(forcefield2, 4); SetFaceGeoMode(forcefield3, 4); SetFaceGeoMode(forcefield4, 4); SetFaceLightMode(forcefield1, 0); // LIGHTING_LIT (light fully) SetFaceLightMode(forcefield2, 0); SetFaceLightMode(forcefield3, 0); SetFaceLightMode(forcefield4, 0); ClearAdjoinFlags(forcefield1, 2); // Clear ADJOIN_MOVE (disallow passage) ClearAdjoinFlags(forcefield2, 2); ClearAdjoinFlags(forcefield3, 2); ClearAdjoinFlags(forcefield4, 2); SetSurfaceFlags(forcefield1,16384); // Set SURFACE_MAGSEALED SetSurfaceFlags(forcefield2,16384); SetSurfaceFlags(forcefield3,16384); SetSurfaceFlags(forcefield4,16384); SetWallCel(switch, 0); dummy = PlaySoundPos(on_snd, SurfaceCenter(switch), 0.8, 5.0, 10.0, 0); SetTimer(time_on); // Let the force field active pulse: player = GetSenderRef(); if((GetThingHealth(player) > 0) && (GetThingHealth(player) < 100)) { HealThing(player, healammount); } if((GetThingHealth(player) == 100) && (GetInv(player,60) < 200)) { ChangeInv(player, 60, healammount); } Return; //........................................................................................ timer: SetPulse(0); SetFaceGeoMode(forcefield1, 0); // GEOMETRY_NONE (don't draw the face) SetFaceGeoMode(forcefield2, 0); SetFaceGeoMode(forcefield3, 0); SetFaceGeoMode(forcefield4, 0); SetFaceLightMode(forcefield1, 3); // LIGHTING_GOURAUD (normal lighting) SetFaceLightMode(forcefield2, 3); SetFaceLightMode(forcefield3, 3); SetFaceLightMode(forcefield4, 3); SetAdjoinFlags(forcefield1, 2); // Set ADJOIN_MOVE (allow passage) SetAdjoinFlags(forcefield2, 2); SetAdjoinFlags(forcefield3, 2); SetAdjoinFlags(forcefield4, 2); ClearSurfaceFlags(forcefield1,16384); // Clear SURFACE_MAGSEALED ClearSurfaceFlags(forcefield2,16384); ClearSurfaceFlags(forcefield3,16384); ClearSurfaceFlags(forcefield4,16384); StopSound(ff_sound, 0); Sleep(delay); // Delay before the force field is usable again SetWallCel(switch, 1); dummy = PlaySoundPos(off_snd, SurfaceCenter(switch), 0.8, 5.0, 10.0, 0); field_is_on = 0; } Return; // ........................................................................................ // // touched: is very framerate dependant, so we'll apply damage only // when 0.5 second have elapsed. Note that we have to remember the // time for each of the forcefields. touched: if(GetSenderRef() == switch) Return; if(lock_touched == 1) Return; lock_touched = 1; senderRef = GetSenderRef(); sourceRef = GetSourceRef(); if (field_is_on == 1) { currenttime = GetLevelTime(); dodamage = 0; if((senderRef == forcefield1) && (currenttime > oldtime1 + 0.50)) { oldtime1 = currenttime; dodamage = 1; } else if((senderRef == forcefield2) && (currenttime > oldtime2 + 0.50)) { oldtime2 = currenttime; dodamage = 1; } else if((senderRef == forcefield3) && (currenttime > oldtime3 + 0.50)) { oldtime3 = currenttime; dodamage = 1; } else if((senderRef == forcefield4) && (currenttime > oldtime4 + 0.50)) { oldtime4 = currenttime; dodamage = 1; } if(dodamage == 1) { dummy = PlaySoundPos(ffdamage_snd, GetSurfaceCenter(senderRef), 1.0, -1, -1, 0); dummy = DamageThing(sourceRef, 10, 0x2, sourceRef); } } lock_touched = 0; Return; end
If curiosity killed the cat then perhaps Curious George killed the cat.
But Cat's do have nine lives so who knows?
But Cat's do have nine lives so who knows?