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ForumsCog Forum → Is there a "Bullet Dodging.COG" that works?
Is there a "Bullet Dodging.COG" that works?
2005-12-03, 7:43 PM #1
I remember that maggot (a/k/a Compos Mentis) posted something awhile back, but I never got anywhere with it...

Thanks for any help.

2005-12-04, 9:07 AM #2
Not heard of it soz mang
Vader: Luke. I am your father-
Luke: Noooooooooooooooooo-
Vader: Shut up, I'm not finished yet!
Luke: Oh, sorry.
Vader: *coughs* I am your father's mother's grand daughter-in-law's barber's best friend's flatmate's husband 2 times divorced!

Luke: Silence................... So, what does this make us?
Vader: NOTHING! BWAHAHAHA! *cuts Luke in half*
2005-12-05, 5:22 AM #3
Admin of's dedicated server. For more information on about the dedicated server:
2005-12-05, 9:30 AM #4
I never got around to putting in the wall or gap check.
That would be pretty easy to do just as Zeq suggested.
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-12-07, 7:32 PM #5
HOLY SMOKE...!!! That really works!!! I am _very_ impressed...
... if only I knew how to set up the Gap/Wall check...

2005-12-08, 2:23 PM #6
maybe I'll put it in tonight if I finish up my work soon enough.
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-12-08, 8:51 PM #7
OMG...!!! Mag, you rock... No, you ROCK...!!!



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