Hmm, right, I guess that could work... I need to know the duration of a one-way server-to-client trip (isn't there a technical term for that?). I could trigger the clients and have them send me back their level time, which I would compare with their join time - which would have to be an stored in an array on the server (added when joined message is called). Does that make any sense?
Bear with me, I've been out of it for a while
The purpose is to schedule an event that would start on all clients simultaneously.. I thought of triggering to each client a "delay" value which is inversely proportional to the server-to-client trip duration for that client, so that if ClientA 1/2 ping = 100ms and ClientB 1/2 ping = 200 ms, I'd trigger 100ms to ClientA and 0ms to ClientB, effectively causing ClientA to wait for ClientB to get the message.
[edit] Oh wait, there's also GetGameTime I see... is that sync'ed for all players?
I better get back to work