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ForumsCog Forum → Syncing drives me crazy
Syncing drives me crazy
2005-12-19, 3:39 PM #1
I just can't get it to work :/

problem A: (secotr flags)

problem B: (surface flags, surface adjoin flags, surface geo type, surface face type flags)

Any idea how I can properly sync that to all players in a game?

(used cogs can be found in those links)
APT 1, 2, 3/4, 5/6
2005-12-19, 6:06 PM #2
I dont know if this is what is happening in your particular situation but things that normally sync, might not if you are doing too much too fast - like in a loop.

For example if you do:

for(i = 0; i < GetSurfaceCount(); i = i + 1)
SetSurfaceMat(i, BLACK);

it will complete in under a second on the local computer. And even though SetSurfaceMat is a sync'd verb, it wont change mats on the other computers.

It does look like your using alot of large loops.

If thats the case you will have to move to a client/server setup, to run the loop locally.
Admin of's dedicated server. For more information on about the dedicated server:
2005-12-20, 8:21 AM #3
I changed both what you said here and what Zeq said in the jkhub topic (removing sleeps and pulses in favour of timers) and now the floor properties sync as they should.

I've installed jk on my laptop now so I can test syncing without betatesters, so I hope to have fixed the sectorflag syncing soon as well.
APT 1, 2, 3/4, 5/6
2005-12-20, 9:46 AM #4
All problems here are fixed. Mostly by using timers and making sure there are very small delays in between certain code blocks. Found some other small errors my cogs as well and fixed those. Only one error left, but that's more something for general editing forum: so see my latest topic there.
APT 1, 2, 3/4, 5/6

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