I was wondering if someone could tell me how to change to different cameras in this cog. I'm having trouble finding the right cog verb.
symbols message activated thing console thing cam thing cam1 flex speed=2.0 flex wait=5.0 sound playsnd=Accomplish1.wav int done=0 local sound NotifySnd=beep1.wav local int Player local int check local end code activated: if (done ==0) { check = GetSenderRef(); if (check == console) { Player = GetLocalPlayerThing(); SetActorFlags(Player, 0xa00000); StopThing(Player); SetCameraFocus(0, cam); SetCurrentCamera(0); Sleep(1); PlaySoundLocal(NotifySnd, 1, 0, 132); Print(">> blah blah<<"); Sleep(2); PlaySoundLocal(NotifySnd, 1, 0, 132); Print("blah"); Sleep(2); PlaySoundLocal(NotifySnd, 1, 0, 132); Print(">> blah blah. <<"); Sleep(2); PlaySoundLocal(NotifySnd, 1, 0, 132); Print("poop."); //what is the right verb to change cameras? Sleep(wait); if (jkGetSaberCam() == 1) CycleCamera(); DestroyThing(cam); ClearActorFlags(Player, 0xa00000); done =1; } } else { PlaySoundLocal(NotifySnd, 1, 0, 132); Print("I couldn't eat another Big Mac!"); } return; end