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ForumsCog Forum → HELP: Simple +spark generator cog.
HELP: Simple +spark generator cog.
2006-06-30, 12:43 AM #1
I have been trying to teach myself COG. Many things, I do not know. I've been trying to write a cog that will generate +spark from ghost locations after a specific thing has been shot or slashed.


message damaged
message pulserate
message timer

thing damagedthing linkid=-1
thing ghost0 linkid=-1
thing ghost1 linkid=-1
thing ghost2 linkid=-1
thing ghost3 linkid=-1

(...some stuff about my wav0, +sparks, etc...)




What shall I do here?
2006-06-30, 4:54 PM #2
Remember to shove a 'timer' in, if you want the speaks to repeat. I think I have the general jist.



SetTimer(minimumDelay + Rand() * (maximumDelay - minimumDelay));




CreateThing(sparkTemplate, damagedthing);
CreateThing(sparkTemplate, ghost0);
CreateThing(sparkTemplate, ghost1);
CreateThing(sparkTemplate, ghost2);
CreateThing(sparkTemplate, ghost3);


Something like that? If you want it to be after so much damage, you need to give the thing health ... I suggest looking up xtank3 cog.

Also, I suck at cog, so if it doesn't work I apologise :)
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