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ForumsCog Forum → Bunyip Dreamin
Bunyip Dreamin
2006-12-24, 8:08 AM #1
{{{{{{Merry X Mas}}}}}}

I have a christmas wish list here it goes,,, I need that drivable cars cog and if anyone feels sparky I'd like to make something like rock n roll racing where you can shoot weapons have speed burst n whatnot. also Edward hooked me up with his escelator cog but its a bit too slow and wacky so if anyone feels sparky I have a waves cog that if modified would be exactly what I need.

message startup
message timer

thing		wave

int		totalframes
flex		wavespeed=1
int		wave_delay=3
blarg = GetCollideType(wave);

SetCollideType(wave, blarg);
SetThingCurGeoMode(wave, 4);
MoveToFrame(wave, totalframes - 1, wavespeed);
SetCollideType(wave, 0);
SetThingCurGeoMode(wave, 0);
MoveToFrame(wave, 0, 150);


I picture something like this but maybe from ghost positions or I could make a key or something. basically I like that the speed is variable and if I could get it to where the ammount of things it spits out is a variable that would be sweet. also Zeq started a elite "space invaders" but not sure if he is ever gonna finnish it for me. Not that I expect him too hes the only one who hooks me up. So if that sounds cool I'm sure Zeq or myself would be glad if you took a peek
2006-12-26, 3:51 PM #2
Wait, do you want the vehicle to be steerable by the player?
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2006-12-26, 6:33 PM #3
yeah someone was getting that "drivable cars" cog close. I was hoping to make some sort of rock n roll racing mp game:D

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