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ForumsCog Forum → particle effect cog
particle effect cog
2009-11-16, 10:21 PM #1
i need a particle effect cog if someone is willing to do it for me... just need an effect that could portray or give the idea of someone disappearing.. or perhaps something similar to a multiplayer spawn effect
2009-11-17, 4:48 AM #2
Seems like you could do this with just a template.

Look at one of the existing particle templates and the OnPar tool.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2009-11-17, 8:30 AM #3
Thanks.. Ill give. I a try when I get home today
2009-11-17, 8:41 AM #4
gbk, how would that help? It sounds like he wants to spawn a particle when something disappears. I suppose maybe you could link the templates if the thing is being destroyed but if it is just invisible or teleported you'll need to spawn it.

Just do CreateThing(disappearingObject, particleTemplate) at the point when it should happen. I forget the name of the template for the multiplayer spawn sparks but it probably has "spawn" in the name.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2009-11-17, 9:46 AM #5
Speaking of particles & cogs, remember there was that level that had a bunch of cool particles around waterfalls to give the "splashing" effect? Does anyone remember what level that was so I can contact the author?
2009-11-17, 3:40 PM #6
That's just a particle emitter, there's probably a stock cog that came with JK that can set a timer to create a particle template at a position. You could also look at the [url= and_snow/[/url]Rain and Snow[/url] tutorial and modify it.

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