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ForumsCog Forum → I need some cogs.. help?
I need some cogs.. help?
2009-11-30, 12:35 AM #1
Hey guys.. I really don't have the mind for learning cog. I understand the values and variables, but not so much the coding. I was wondering if any of you could help me locate similar cogs, or write me up some cog(s) to use.
First off:
I remember back in the day someone wrote my a cog that would play a sound (looping) at a ghost position constantly and that could play at a variable sound volume and for a variable distance and would eventually fade the further you were away from the ghost position.

I also would like a cog that
would play a sound (not looping) and a string of custom text
when an NPC thing (enemy or neutral) was killed. That would be great. I would
also like a 2nd variation of this cog that was an objective if possible.

And can anyone write me a cog that is a mix between the aipatrol.cog
and aisleep.cog? Write now the cog will not stack; NPC will not attack when I enter the sector that triggers their aggro, it will just face towards me but remain on their patrol path, which is really akward because they're walking backwards/lopsided and whatnot. I need a cog that will make the ai patrol between a ghost and its starting position, but will not attack until a certain sector is entered. once that sector is entered I want the NPC to stop patrolling, and continue to attack the player. If it were possible to make this cog handle multiple NPC's, sectors, and ghost things (for the corresponding patrol points) that would be great! Again, if any help is offered I appreciate it in advanced.


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