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ForumsCog Forum → Keep 3do's in local sector
Keep 3do's in local sector
2009-12-08, 4:34 PM #1
Any way to check every 0.1 sec for the players position and re-assign specified 3do's to the local players current sector? This is kind of like a step beyond the "flicker.cog".
2009-12-08, 7:49 PM #2
setThingSector() doesn't exist. There is no way (AFAIK) to set a thing's sector with cog. The only way to do this is by destroying and recreating the object with the sector you want.

This is precisely what my original flicker.cog did. I seem to recall it not working very well.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2009-12-08, 11:19 PM #3
You could create a thing in the desired sector/pos and use TeleportThing(), so you aren't destroying the "real" thing.
if(GetLocalPlayerThing() != jkGetLocalPlayer()) call implode_universe;
2009-12-09, 3:10 PM #4
Try this "flicker" cog. It does what __Ace_1_ suggested.

(It is found among many other useful cogs and mods in my Tidbits project.)

2009-12-11, 5:47 AM #5
Nevermind, I don't know why I thought the flicker.cog I had wouldn't work. Works just fine, actually.

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