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ForumsCog Forum → Teleportation cog
Teleportation cog
2009-12-13, 4:24 PM #1
I need help with a teleport cog. Basically, I have three different textures. They're basically "maps" of the destination. So the player 'activates' the map of the location they want to be transported to. 3 materials each set to go to 1 of 3 specific ghost locations. For MotS MP.
2009-12-14, 4:25 AM #2
# 2009-12-14 gbk
message activated
surface switch
thing ghost

It's very simple, but it will do what you need. Use it 3 times, once for each set of switch/position.
Let me know if you want some sort of effects when the player is teleported.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2009-12-14, 11:43 AM #3
Perfect! Thank you!

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