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ForumsCog Forum → Machinima tips
Machinima tips
2011-01-06, 4:54 PM #1
I'm going to do a machinima series with Jedi Knight. The Massassians know this game inside and out, so you're the ones to ask about what features would be helpful for making video game movies.

The obvious ones I can think of include getting rid of the HUD and crosshairs; recording and playing back demos; outputting a/v files; silencing weapons pickup sounds and notifications; getting properly formatted video captures of the cutscenes; solving any weapons flicker issues; getting improved graphics and models beyond JKE if available. So what can you guys think of that I should study up on before starting out?
2011-01-09, 4:42 AM #2
You should check out [url][/url] or join the #jkhub IRC channel at
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2011-03-11, 2:55 PM #3
Heres som tuorial. on cameras/ cutsceans

Cameras In Jedi Knight

Cutscenes: Making an Actor from a Skin

Cutscenes: MotS-Style

Cutscenes: MotS-Style Revisited
"The quality of the levels you make is determined by the skill of the person not by the editor in which they use!"-Michael Kyle
Ogel's City

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