ok, i am working on eventually getting a friendly stormie to follow you around and fires at enemies... but right now i am just figuring out how to get an actor to follow you.
i have it working as of now so that if the actor is ever further than 0.3 distance from you it will move to your current location... but the problem it it moves to your exact location, bumping the player out of the way to get there. i want to get it so once the actor is within 0.3 of the player the actor will STOP...
any help??
i have it working as of now so that if the actor is ever further than 0.3 distance from you it will move to your current location... but the problem it it moves to your exact location, bumping the player out of the way to get there. i want to get it so once the actor is within 0.3 of the player the actor will STOP...
any help??
symbols message startup message pulse thing player thing trooper flex movespeed=1.5 flex thinkRate=1.0 flex ctrlocator=0.30 local vector position0 local end # ======================================================================================== code startup: AiSetMoveSpeed(trooper, movespeed); SetPulse(thinkRate); return; # ........................................................................................ pulse: position0 = GetThingPos(player); if (VectorDist(GetThingPos(trooper), position0) < ctrlocator) { return; } else { AISetLookPos(trooper, position0); AiSetMoveThing(trooper, player); } if (GetHealth(trooper) <= 0.0) { SetPulse(0.0); } return; end
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