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ForumsCog Forum → SetThingRotVel and Collide=3
SetThingRotVel and Collide=3
2012-05-15, 7:42 PM #1
So, I'm trying to make a wheel that the player stands inside, and has a RotVel the exact opposite of the way the player's walking. I'm able to get the wheel to turn just right, but I can't seem to get it to be solid while still responding to SetThingRotVel.

Here's the relevant part of the Cog:

[TABLE="width: 90%, align: center"]
[TD="class: code"]startup: 
   SetThingPulse(wheel, 0.016); //once per frame 
   playerVector=GetThingVel(GetLocalPlayerThing());  //get players speed 
   wheelRotVelTemp=VectorSet(VectorY(playerVector),0.0,0.0); //convert  player's speed on the Y axis to rotational velocity in Pitch 
   wheelRotVel = VectorScale(wheelRotVelTemp,vectorRatio); //convert JKUs to degrees 
   SetThingRotVel(wheel,wheelRotVel); //turn wheel 

And the template data for "wheel":


-Can be stood on
-Controlled Remotely
-Used in COG
-Sending PULSE message

The wheel turns just fine but the player passes through it like it's not even there. Any ideas?
Baby dragons can't figure out humans- If they didn't want to be eaten, why were they made of meat and treasure?
2012-05-16, 5:50 PM #2
Make sure the individual surfaces on the 3d0 are flagged as walkable.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2012-05-16, 7:02 PM #3
It's not that the player slides over them, it's that the player doesn't even collide with them. It's like a ghoststruct.
Baby dragons can't figure out humans- If they didn't want to be eaten, why were they made of meat and treasure?
2012-05-16, 8:01 PM #4
What is the parent template?
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2012-05-20, 1:03 AM #5
Now that's solutioniffic.

The mantle of CogMaster has been passed on to Edward.

(Even if the solution was actually related to the template)
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2012-05-28, 8:20 PM #6
Another question: Is there a way to set somethings pitch/yaw/roll directly via COG, or is it only possible through RotVel?
Baby dragons can't figure out humans- If they didn't want to be eaten, why were they made of meat and treasure?

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