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ForumsJedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith Editing Forum → Anyone good at modelling?
Anyone good at modelling?
2005-04-02, 9:07 AM #1
Could someone model me something? I'm attempting to make a Worms mod, and I want someone to model me a Worm. Size? As tall as a walkplayer, or a little sorter.
I want as many curves as you can fit in. I also want each curve a seperate mesh so I can have alot of animation possibilities. The hands can either be seperate, or attached to arms. And an extra node attached to the right hand called Weaps. No, not an empty node called Rigth Hand or anything like that. I'm going to have a nice pink Right Hand node and attached to it an empty node called Weaps where I shall SetWeaponMesh().

Could anyone do this? Thanks.

Edward's Cognative Hazards
2005-04-02, 11:04 AM #2
I was gonna recommend a certain pink powder puff with a lightsaber, but seeing as he only does gun models (and STILL hasn't gotten back to me about one in particular), I would have to suggest Shred18.

He's a busy guy though, and has lots of other projects, so you might just have to hunt around a bit. I do some models, but am NOWHERE up to the standard of these two. Sorry I can't be more help. :-/
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2005-04-02, 12:54 PM #3
how many joints in the arms and i suppose its tail? O and would u be making a texture for it?
Why are girls in german "its"? -Wolfgang
Cause' the german god said so. - Fritz
2005-04-02, 2:07 PM #4
Originally posted by Vaporlinx
how many joints in the arms and i suppose its tail? O and would u be making a texture for it?

From head to tail, as many as the game will allow. Arms, 2-3.

And, yeah... The textures I can do. Unless you'd like to give it a try.

Edward's Cognative Hazards
2005-04-02, 4:46 PM #5
You don't need an empty node for SetWeaponMesh(). If a normal player model has a right hand mesh (not an empty node) and you SetWeaponMesh(), the weapon model is just added to the hand that's already there; it doesn't replace it. All player models should've had their own textured hand and the gun models shouldn't have hands as part of them, but oh well.

2005-04-02, 9:13 PM #6
I'd do it, but I don't really think I could do too well with it. Like daft said, I stick to weapons, mostly.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-05-08, 7:19 AM #7
Reviving this topic to ask, have any worms been made?

Edward's Cognative Hazards
2005-05-08, 3:07 PM #8
I model weapons, but for my first published patch, I'm working on a new SP/MP player. I usually only change small things, like the head or the arms, but that might be sem-useful,(if you have like the worm's body overlap the legs so they appear invisible inside it).
2005-05-11, 11:51 AM #9
No, I want a complete new model with as many meshes as possible. I'll do the hiding in my own way.
Edward's Cognative Hazards
2005-05-19, 11:28 AM #10
So, how's it going?
Edward's Cognative Hazards
2005-05-19, 2:50 PM #11
I'd be willing to do this, but I won't be able to texture or node it. You'd have to do that.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-05-20, 10:44 AM #12
I guess I could do the texturing and noding... Just make sure there are enough meshes to make enough "curving motions".
But still, everyone else that has "promised" me a worm may continue their work. One might look better then the other, who knows...
Edward's Cognative Hazards
2005-05-22, 7:45 AM #13
seems to me that durga the hut is somewhere in MOTS
i dont know how flexible he is but he does have arms and holds a pipe

2005-05-22, 10:36 AM #14
That's Ka'Pa.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2005-05-29, 7:11 AM #15
Any worms yet?
Edward's Cognative Hazards
2005-05-31, 6:35 AM #16
I'm working on one for you, Edward. I'll give you some pics as soon as I have it somewhat done. I'm not really allowed on my computer at home though (bad grade:banned: ) and I'm not sure how to put the meshes together, but if I make the model, someone else can put together the meshes. ;)
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2005-06-04, 1:14 PM #17
Anything yet?
Edward's Cognative Hazards
2005-06-06, 10:42 AM #18
Being that Worms is my favorite game and I had nothing better to do, I made you the model complete with divisions of its curvature.


Here it is with its divisions rotated at 7.5 successive degrees. There are visible seams between the divisions, but this is as good as it gets in Jedi Knight.


And here it is in dormant state. Now I look at it, I think I might want to taper the tail.

So, any adjustments before I send it to you? :]
2005-06-06, 11:46 AM #19
What does taper mean?
Edward's Cognative Hazards
2005-06-06, 11:54 AM #20
Make it gradually thinner. It's no big deal.
2005-06-06, 12:45 PM #21
OK. Hm... Did you include hand meshes?
Edward's Cognative Hazards
2005-06-06, 1:25 PM #22

I decided to test it out in a map, and the lighting didn't seem to like it having so many meshes.

Originally posted by Edward
OK. Hm... Did you include hand meshes?
Sorry, I misunderstood you. I thought you already had the hands made. But that's no problem, I makey them.
2005-06-07, 6:37 AM #23
OK. Makey, and send it over! If your gonna send by Email, set subject to "Worms moddle for JK"

Edward's Cognative Hazards
2005-06-07, 6:53 AM #24
I'm not going to be able to finish the hands before I go on vacation, so I'll email the model to you now. Just beg someone else to make them, or wait until I can get back in 5 days.
2005-06-07, 7:00 AM #25
Since I can't figure out how to attach a file to a PM or email on this forum, I'm just gonna attach it to a message.

Have fun with it. I hope it allows you to make a bad*** mod. :cool:
Attachment: 5380/ (18,602 bytes)
2005-06-07, 7:36 AM #26
That worm is quite .... cute.
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2005-06-07, 9:00 AM #27
Nice! Though, I'm not very saticefied... True, the segments do show when I bend back his tail. And the size was too big. I had a thought to how to minimize the risk of the segments showing when bending him both directions. On each segmant, on both sides, having the cap end in a little ball like shape. Like the tail end. That way, I can bend him and there would be a minimum risk of the segments showing. Once back from your vacation, could you do that? And don't forget the hands.

Edward's Cognative Hazards
2005-06-13, 3:09 AM #28
5 days have past! Where are you?
Edward's Cognative Hazards
2005-06-15, 8:08 PM #29
Sorry, I've been really busy as of late. But I *will* get it makey-ed in the next few days.
2005-06-18, 9:04 PM #30
Rounded segments. Hands soon.

By the way, all you need to do to rescale it is use the Tool Window in Jed.
Attachment: 5516/ (25,629 bytes)
2005-06-19, 3:06 AM #31
Looking good! You forgot to round the End tail segment. No, not at the end, where it joins up with the rest of the curves.

And, I can't really rescale it using JED. JED messes up the textures!
But, there is Joke.

Edward's Cognative Hazards
2005-06-19, 4:06 AM #32
[Sorry, off-topic thought] if in this worms mod, if you plan to make it like every player controls several worms, there is a way to sort of attach yourself to a player and control him so mabey if the player were invisible and all the worms on his team were actors...[sorry off-topic thought/]
2005-06-22, 3:20 PM #33
I had a thought to like having the player invisible and have him placed in a random sector with no collision when not needed, but when needed, would be in the same place as the worm, with a thing right infront of him to be able to activate. Not sure what I'll have the activate key for yet. Maybe switch worms, list weaps, fire...

Anyway... Reminder to money-bie.

Edward's Cognative Hazards
2005-06-23, 1:12 PM #34
Geez, crackin' the whip aren't ya? ;)

Actually, if you attached a ghost thing to each worm, you could basically create a cog to move the player back and forth between worms, make the dummy worm not visible, and teleporting the player and changing the player's model to the worm. Wouldn't be too hard, really. It actually sounds interesting enough to code something up, but a worms mod would really need some custom worms levels.
-There are easier things in life than finding a good woman, like nailing Jello to a tree, for instance

2005-07-03, 5:53 AM #35
Interesting idea, but... Nah... I have my plans. Including custom worms levels, though they will LAG LIKE ****! because I'm thinking of making them in 3DOs only, except for the Sky and water. Why 3DOs? So you can eat away at the level. :D

Anyway, money-bie? Ye done?
Edward's Cognative Hazards

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