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ForumsJedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith Editing Forum → Need a dedicated, patient tester
Need a dedicated, patient tester
2005-05-30, 3:00 PM #1
I have had a JK SP level sitting on my hard drive for probably over 3 years now that I have worked on from time to time, and I have SO many hours of hard work into it and I am sick of it sitting there, so I want to buckle down and polish it off and release it, just so all the hours of work do not go to waste. I need someobody who I can send copies of it to to play and write me back some reviews and suggestions, because I want it to be good. I'll give you any credit or recognition you want, I just want to get this thing finished and out. Respond and write me a PM to me if you really want to help me out with this.
2005-05-30, 3:09 PM #2
Sure, I can test for you. I'm not much on creating levels myself (none released to date), but I have a fair ammount of free time for the time being. e-mail me at dj.jonoman(at) with any files/questions and that kind of stuff
I've got a website. It's at Geocities because I'm too cheap to get my own site.
2005-05-30, 3:19 PM #3
I still have to sift through all my archives and "dust off" the thing to a playable state, but once I do i'll send it out. It would also be great if you had editing experience yourself, that would make it easier to offer suggestions. I dont care if you havent released anything.

Its fine if you dont, but I was hoping to get at least one person who has significant JED experience.
2005-05-30, 3:51 PM #4
I do use JED, but I don't spend all the time that some people do to give their levels that "something extra" I do use JED a fair bit though,
I've got a website. It's at Geocities because I'm too cheap to get my own site.
2005-05-30, 3:53 PM #5
Hmm, I'm interested. I have significant JED experience, although I've only released a handful of levels. I have virtually finished many more however. SP, heh? I'd love to run through a good SP level, and I'd like to think I have a fairly keen eye for criticism.

Here are some of my other works, if you're looking for credentials (the first one is from a SP level I'm working on actually):


I have a fair bit of free time right now, with summer and all, and I love JK. My email is here , but I'd suggest you put the file up at and then email Dude_Mann_JJ and I the URL.

I hope I can be of service, I would love to help out! :)
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2005-05-30, 4:23 PM #6
Anyone here can tell you that I'm one of the most qualified testers. I've tested such works as LoaM2, LoG2, FRMod (SSR), a hand full of Junkguy's mods, and pretty much every level that's come through massassi in the past year. My suggestions have taken form in those levels more than once. I'll let anyone else build me up past that.

My profile has all the info you need.

ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2005-05-31, 7:03 PM #7
Dont worry i'm not going to forget about this, i've been short on time with school (about to graduate, but i'm borderline on some classes) and work. But I am putting in a few minutes here and there to fix the things I KNOW need fixing. I will send it.
2005-06-02, 12:10 PM #8
I suggest you register at JK Editing Hub, and create a project page for your level (using Project Admin link).

Also, you will easily find beta-testers in the IRC room, #jkhub (on the same server as #massassi).

2005-06-08, 2:25 PM #9
Ok guys I sent these out via PM to Daft, Dude Mann, and jedikirby. Check your PM's or post something if you didnt get it.
2005-06-08, 2:32 PM #10
I got it, ran through part of the level last night, got stuck after completing the fuel pipe objective, fell asleep at my keyboard, woke up an hour later, and went to bed! :)

I'll finish it off and give you a bug report later (soon hopefully).
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels
2005-06-13, 7:35 PM #11
Right, I just ran through the first mission - quite fun and a decent level, but it could benefit from some improvement. To read my extensive list of comments and suggestions - go to this post on your project page here -
My JK Level Design | 2005 JK Hub Level Pack (Plexus) | Massassi Levels

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