I have made a custom crate for my level, very simple model (it's a cube :p ) and I would like it to travel the conveyor belt system in my level. I need it to respond to gravity, however, which it is not doing. Despite, me setting the flags which I thought would work in the template. Here's my template:
What do I need to change? I want the crate to be affected by gravity, but I also want the player to be able to stand on it (I don't really want it to be throwable either, despite my parent template). This shouldn't be too hard.
# DESC: a wooden crate in honor of mada # BBOX: -.15 -.15 -.15 .15 .15 .15 madacrate _throwable size=.259808 movesize=.259808 physflags=0x1 collide=1 move=physics model3d=madacrate.3do
What do I need to change? I want the crate to be affected by gravity, but I also want the player to be able to stand on it (I don't really want it to be throwable either, despite my parent template). This shouldn't be too hard.